Step by step guide for Vagrant with KVM/Libvirt
This repository contains a demo for the following Ansible roles:
By default this demo builds 4 Trusty 64 VM's using Vagrant and provisions them with Ansible to build a working (yet basic) OpenStack infrastructure.
| |
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | Management - | |
| +---------------------------------------------------------+ |
| | | | | |
| |.10 |.20 |.30 |.30+N-1 |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| | | | | | | | | |
| |Controller | | Network | | Compute1 |. . .| ComputeN | |
| | | | | | | | | |
| +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ +-----------+ |
| | |.5 |.6 | .6+N-1 |
| | | | | |
| +----+ +-------------------------------------+ |
| | | Tunnels - | |
| | +-------------------------------------+ |
| +----------------------------------------------+ |
| | External (Bridged to workstation network) | |
| +----------------------------------------------+ |
| +------+
+-----+ | +------+------+
+-|-----|-+ ++ |
| || || |-----------------------| Internet +-+
+-|-----|-+ | |
+-----+ +-----------+ |
Router (+ DHCP) +-----+
(Drawn with Monodraw alpha, courtesy of Milen Dzhumerov)
- NTPd
- RabbitMQ server
- Keystone
- Glance
- Nova Conductor
- Nova ConsoleAuth
- Nova noVNC Proxy
- Nova Scheduler
- Nova API
- Neutron Server
- Neutron Plugin Modular Layer 2 (ML2)
- Horizon
- NTPd
- Neutron Plugin Modular Layer 2 (ML2)
- Neutron Plugin OpenVSwitch agent
- Neutron Plugin Layer 3 agent
- Neutron Plugin DHCP agent
Compute nodes
- NTPd
- Neutron Plugin Modular Layer 2 (ML2)
- Neutron Plugin OpenVSwitch agent
- Nova Compute
- Get the code
Using git
Clone this repository and its submodules
git clone
cd vagrant-ansible-openstack/
git submodule init
git submodule update
- Set up Ansible and Vagrant
Install Ansible
Install Vagrant
Set your default Vagrant provider
For instance:
Virtualbox doesn't support nested virtualization. If you are using this
hypervisor, set LIBVIRT_DRIVER to 'qemu' or in the Vagrantfile
or in the
shell's environment:
export LIBVIRT_DRIVER=qemu
or you will not be able to spawn virtual machines in your cloud.
Download and install an Ubuntu box
See VagrantCloud for a comprehensive list of vagrant boxes. For instance:
- Parallels provider
vagrant box add fza/trusty64
- Virtualbox, VmWare desktop and Libvirt providers
vagrant box add breqwatr/trusty64
environment variable as appropriate
defaults to trusty64
. To use a different box:
export BOX_NAME="breqwatr/trusty64"
Install required plugins
vagrant plugin install vagrant-cachier
If you are not using Virtualbox, install additional Vagrant plugins needed by your hypervisor.
For instance:
vagrant plugin install vagrant-parallels
Install core OpenStack clients
Install at least glance, neutron and nova clients on your workstation
For instance, using a virtual environment:
virtualenv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install python-glanceclient python-neutronclient python-novaclient
- Run it!
By default 2 compute nodes are created.
To spawn a different number of compute nodes, export the environment variable
For instance:
When ready, just issue:
- Enjoy ===
In the ./demo
directory you will find an inventory and a playbook that can be used to initialize a fresh OpenStack Cloud setup and create a demo virtual machine.
Run ansible with:
ansible-playbook -i demo/inventory demo/playbook.yml
Alternatively, just run:
make demo
At the end of the play some debug messages are displayed about the newly created VM:
TASK: [Add the floating IP to demo-instance1] *********************************
skipping: [localhost]
TASK: [Get floating IP address] ***********************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK: [Get noVNC console] *****************************************************
ok: [localhost]
TASK: [Message1] **************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "Your VM floating IP address is"
TASK: [Message2] **************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "ssh cirros@ -oStrictHostKeyChecking=no -oUserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null"
TASK: [Message3] **************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
"msg": "noVNC console"
PLAY RECAP ********************************************************************
localhost : ok=21 changed=0 unreachable=0 failed=0
In the ./script
directory there are 2 ".rc" scripts that can be sourced to manage the OpenStack setup.
Source one of them:
. scripts/openstack-admin-example.rc
And use OpenStack python clients as usual
# keystone tenant-list
| id | name | enabled |
| c64f42559fbb40078ef8900023bbe5a8 | admin | True |
| 198aad268c0242159b033bc24f3fb08a | demo | True |
| d16c66bed5e24e95baca607011a0119c | service | True |
Last, Horizon is available at:
is the address of controller node.
- Debugging ===
Ping/ssh the running instances
Login on the network node
$ vagrant ssh network
As superuser, run
# ip netns list
You will get an output like:
where qrouter-[ID]
is the OpenStack router you want to traverse (eg.: the demo-router)
If the security group for your instance has been configured to allow ICMP and TCP (port 22) traffic (as in the demo project), you will be able to reach the running instances at their internal or floating IP, like this:
# ip netns exec qrouter-[ID] ping # or
# ip netns exec qrouter-[ID] ssh cirros@ # password: cubswin:)
VNC for running instances
To access an instance with VNC you need to generate a [TOKEN] for it, like this:
$ . .venv/bin/activate
$ . scripts/openstack-demo-example.rc
$ nova get-vnc-console [INSTANCE-ID] novnc
then you can point your browser at the url you will get as an ouput. It should be something like:[TOKEN]