
Repo for OpenStack on FreeBSD project, including steps, methods, and source codes

Documentation for The "OpenStack on FreeBSD" Project

The documentation provides in-depth guides for users to successfully deploy and operate OpenStack on FreeBSD. Covering installation, configuration, and troubleshooting, the documentation ensures a set of essential OpenStack components is up and running with basic functionality.



  • FreeBSD 14.0-STABLE
  • Based on OpenStack Xena, specifically on the stable/xena branch of each projects
  • Single-node all-in-one deployment


Components that are ported to FreeBSD and can be run with a limited feature set by applying patches and workarounds:


Future Works


  • Implement the mechanism driver that utilizes FreeBSD native bridges
  • Replace Linux namespaces and virtual ethernet with FreeBSD's vnet and epair
  • Integrate dnsmasq


  • Implement a new virt_type: bhyve, for the libvirt compute driver
  • libvirt hook script refinement
  • Get rid of custom implementation - socat-manager


  • Modify oslo.privsep to support FreeBSD's privilege model


  • Fixed version, do not rely on branches
  • Use --config-dir instead of --config-file
  • Move var/lib, var/log, var/lock directories under root (/)


Previous Works

Official Documentation

Problem Solving


If you encounter any issue by following the guide, please file an issue in the admin repository. We track all project issues under the OpenStack-on-FreeBSD organization in that repository for better manageability.

As always, contributions are welcome! Please feel free to submit PRs in their corresponding repositories.