Pinned issues
- 0
[FEATURE] CodeBlitz bundle 兼容 React16
#213 opened by hacke2 - 0
- 0
[BUG] Code Runner for Web 按钮时隐时现
#207 opened by lilx1ao - 0
[BUG] error occurred in the <AppRenderer> component and Cannot find Provider of ConfigBrowserModule
#192 opened by itcloudy - 2
[BUG] 无法使用 fse 清空 workspace dir
#72 opened by iamkun - 0
禁用 /packages/core/.cloudide/extensions/ 下的 dependabot
#155 opened by bytemain - 1
[FEATURE] 文件夹删除重命名功能
#137 opened by sunsunmonkey - 1
#46 opened by wangxiaozhuzhu - 0
[BUG] 浏览器控制台报一些小驼峰的警告
#134 opened by yunstyle8023 - 1
#107 opened by jues - 1
[Question] 如何默认收起左侧资源管理器
#113 opened by barry3406 - 1
[BUG] import { ChatReadableStream } from '@codeblitzjs/ide-sumi-core/lib/server/ai-native/ai-back-service';
#95 opened by Hj419522039 - 4
[BUG] Vite 5.2.0下 导入BrowserModule异常
#55 opened by lixin131 - 1
[Question] 关于代码提示的问题
#57 opened by hanlin77 - 5
- 1
[BUG] 无法安装包
#39 opened by Leslie2014 - 0
[BUG] Gitee API service error
#51 opened by AhkunTa - 2
[Question] 只读编辑器内如何本地化
#50 opened by DabenW - 0
#47 opened by wangxiaozhuzhu - 0
[Question] 文件创建删除为什么只返回了path
#43 opened by santonese - 11
[Question] 请问支持gitee的代码提交了吗
#42 opened by DengJianShen - 0
[Question] 什么时候可以支持web container技术啊?
#45 opened by chensce - 2
[Question] 如何扩展内置的插件?插件在哪里下载?
#41 opened by DengJianShen - 1
[Question] 请问可以安装vscode离线下载的vsix后缀的插件吗
#44 opened by DengJianShen - 3
[Question] 请问支持gitee的仓库吗
#40 opened by DengJianShen - 0
[BUG] 组件销毁 异常报错
#38 opened by AhkunTa - 3
[Question] 启动问题
#34 opened by gaoshengqing21 - 3
[Question] 协作分支里使用的 collaboration 插件是如何实现的
#32 opened by DabenW - 6
CodeBlitz Users: Share Your Experience ~
#33 opened by hacke2 - 8
[Question] ts 插件是基于什么版本的vs插件改造的?
#31 opened by piLurk - 0
[BUG] 官网 Demo 错误诊断信息不能展示
#30 opened by zmyiy - 1
[Question] 如果要将缓存的代码写会到远端服务,如何实现,目前文档缺失的内容比较多
#29 opened by wwsun - 1
#26 opened by DengJianShen - 0
[FEATURE] 支持 code review 场景
#5 opened by Ricbet - 1
#27 opened by DengJianShen - 1
[BUG] 项目启动提示堆内存溢出错误导致启动失败
#20 opened by resetsix - 4
#25 opened by DengJianShen - 0
#24 opened by jungle8884 - 1
[BUG] vite下使用报错
#21 opened by wangxh89 - 1
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[Question] 有类似IDEA UI交互吗?
#18 opened by bamboox - 1
[BUG] 项目打开失败
#17 opened by erguotou520 - 0
[FEATURE] github 支持 web-scm
#4 opened by Ricbet