Application and data for analyzing and structuring portfolios for climate investing.
- 5
identify places to buy carbon offsets
#28 opened by sichen1234 - 3
define what is a valid carbon offset?
#29 opened by sichen1234 - 1
Compare personal emissions calculators
#30 opened by sichen1234 - 0
add spinner to stocks page in react ui
#26 opened by sichen1234 - 1
CARIMA website doesn't work
#27 opened by clintonTE - 2
- 0
move scripts to scripts/ directory
#24 opened by sichen1234 - 2
- 1
analyze popular ESG funds as BMG series
#20 opened by sichen1234 - 0
develop model of emissions for airline
#23 opened by sichen1234 - 0
- 0
- 0
- 0
implement correlation, orthogonalize in python
#17 opened by sichen1234 - 5
statistical validation of the BMG factor
#4 opened by sichen1234 - 0
- 2
test results for all steps in the paper
#16 opened by sichen1234 - 0
test using ESG funds as carbon risk factor
#13 opened by sichen1234 - 3
use industry specific market index and general carbon risk factors to identify specific stock risks
#14 opened by sichen1234 - 3
compare BMG factor to EU ETS
#10 opened by sichen1234 - 0
- 1
check regression results versus before
#15 opened by sichen1234 - 9
- 1
error & data handling
#8 opened by mattbowler - 0
- 0
compare SBTI companies with carbon betas
#11 opened by sichen1234 - 3
- 5
clean up code to remove error messages
#7 opened by mattbowler - 1
initial set up
#1 opened by sichen1234 - 2
compare results for US stocks using Fama-French North America and Developed 3 Factors
#2 opened by sichen1234