
[READONLY] OpenTelemetry PDO auto-instrumentation

Primary LanguagePHP

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This is a read-only subtree split of https://github.com/open-telemetry/opentelemetry-php-contrib.

OpenTelemetry PDO (PHP DataObjects) auto-instrumentation

Please read https://opentelemetry.io/docs/instrumentation/php/automatic/ for instructions on how to install and configure the extension and SDK.


Auto-instrumentation hooks are registered via composer, and spans will automatically be created for selected PDO and PDOStatement methods.


The extension can be disabled via runtime configuration:


In case UI used to view telemetry data does not support links between spans (for example newrelic), you can optionally enable setting db statements attribute to fetchAll and execute spans using configuration directive:

otel.instrumentation.pdo.distribute_statement_to_linked_spans = true

or environment variable: