
A SpecialAgent Demo

Primary LanguageJavaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

MicroDonuts: An OpenTracing SpecialAgent Demo

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Welcome to MicroDonuts! This is a SpecialAgent demo application, written in Java, based on the original OpenTracing walkthrough.

OpenTracing is a vendor-neutral, open standard for distributed tracing. To learn more, check out opentracing.io, and try the demo application below!

Step 0: Setup MicroDonuts

Getting it

Clone this repository and build the jar file (for this, Maven must be installed):

git clone git@github.com:opentracing-contrib/java-specialagent-demo.git
cd java-specialagent-demo/microdonuts


MicroDonuts has two server components, API and Kitchen, which communicate each other over HTTP - they are, however, part of the same process:

cd java-specialagent-demo/microdonuts
make run-no-agent

In your web broswer, navigate to and order yourself some µ-donuts.

Run with the SpecialAgent and a Tracer

First, please download the latest SpecialAgent JAR and move it to the microdonuts directory:

mv opentracing-specialagent-*.jar microdonuts/


To run Jaeger locally (via Docker):

$ docker run -d --name jaeger \
    -p 5775:5775/udp \
    -p 6831:6831/udp \
    -p 6832:6832/udp \
    -p 5778:5778 \
    -p 16686:16686 \
    -p 14268:14268 \
    -p 14250:14250 \
    -p 9411:9411 \

To run MicroDonuts with Jaegger, configuration has to be specified through environment variables:

cd microdonuts
make run-with-jaeger

Note that the all-in-one docker image presents the Jaeger UI at localhost:16686.


If you have access to LightStep, you will need your access token. Add the following to ls_tracer.properties:

ls.accessToken=XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX  // TODO: replace with your token

To run MicroDonuts with LightStep:

cd microdonuts
make run-with-lightstep

Provide your own Tracer

A provided jar containing any TracerFactory provider can be used to run MicroDonuts too:

cd microdonuts
env TRACER_JAR=MyOwnTracer.jar make run-with-tracer-jar

Now that we're all hooked up, try ordering some donuts in the browser. You should see the traces appear in your tracer.

Search for traces starting belonging to the MicroDonuts component to see the patterns of requests that occur when you click the order button.

Thanks for playing, and welcome to OpenTracing!

Thanks for joining us in this walkthrough! Hope you enjoyed it. If you did, let us know, and consider spreading the love!

A great way to get the feel for OpenTracing is to try your hand at instrumenting the OSS servers, frameworks, and client libraries that we all share. If you make one, consider adding it to the growing ecosystem at http://github.com/opentracing-contrib. If you maintain a library yourself, plase consider adding built-in OT support.

We also need walkthroughs for languages other than Golang. Feel free to reuse the client, protobufs, and other assets from here if you'd like to make one.

For a more detailed explanation of OSS Instrumentation, check out the Turnkey Tracing proposal at http://bit.ly/turnkey-tracing.
