
OpenTshirts is the free open source t-shirt design software for eCommerce.

Primary LanguageActionScript


Opentshirts is the free open source t-shirt design module for Opencart eCommerce. This is the legacy (Adobe Flash) version of opentshirts works on opencart 1.5 for evaluation porpuse on local envirnoment, for production use and html 5 online designer compatibel with OpenCart 3.X visit https://wwww.opentshirts.com

If you are a develeper and want to contribute please follow the branchig model describer here http://nvie.com/posts/a-successful-git-branching-model/

This project follow Semantic Versioning 2.0.0 http://semver.org/

In order to download lastest releases please go to


If you are not doing a fresh install (you already have a production system up and running) DON'T FORGET TO BACKUP ALL THE FILES IN OPENCART FOLDER AND DATABASE FIRST!.

Fresh Install Instructions (Scroll down for upgrade instructions)

Requirements First, you need an Opencart store installed on your server with vqmod system. Please verify if the opentshirts version you are going to install is compatible with your Opencart version.

Steps 1- Upload all the files and folders in the opentshirt zip installer to your server in the same folder you have opencart installed.

2- Log in into your opencart admin, go to System-Users-User Groups, select Top Administrator, Edit, then select all for access and modify permission and save.

3- Go to Extensions-Modules, Find Opentshirts in the list and hit install.

4- Go to Extensions-Opentshirts-Printing Method and enable your preferred printing methods

5- Go to Extensions-Opentshirts-Install Packs and upload the Font Pack Optionaly you can also upload the art sample pack in the same page.

6- Optionaly you can go to Extensions-Product Import/Export-Import and upload the default product packs (unzip before upload). If you find some trouble uploading the files check your values for Upload Max Filesize, Post Max size, Memory Limit, and Max Execution Time. They must be bigger the each zip file you upload. If you dont see new categories in admin category list, click the repair button.

Upgrade Instructions

1- Upload all the files and folders in the opentshirt zip installer to your server in the same folder you have opencart installed.

2- Log in into your opencart admin, go to System-Users-User Groups, select Top Administrator, Edit, then select all for access and modify permission and save.

3- Go to Extensions-Modules, Find Opentshirts, click edit, then go to upgrade tab and click upgrade button.

License Copyright © OpenTshirts For use of OpenTshirts scripts in commercial (for-profit) environments or non-free applications, please contact us via email at contact@opentshirts.com. If you: 1) redistribute, 2) incorporate any of these scripts into other free applications or 3) reprogram them in another scripting language, then you must contact us for permission, especially if the result might be used in a commercial or for-profit environment. Usage, whether stated or not in the script, is restricted to the above licensing arrangements.