
Tools to parse and analyze Virginia Department of Health restaurant inspection reports.


Tools to parse and analyze Virginia Department of Health restaurant inspection reports.

This data is presently available at http://www.healthspace.com/Clients/VDH/vdh_website.nsf, though not in bulk or in any machine-readable format. This project is awaiting a bulk release of this data from the Virginia Department of Health.

A pair of sample files are available. They were provided in response to a FOIA request for a complete dump of all records for a single Department of Health district for one year. A single Excel file was provided, with data in two worksheets. Each of those worksheets is provided as a CSV file, titled as the worksheet was titled: FoodInspection.csv and CombInspWithViolationsLong.csv. The bulk data provided by VDH is likely to resemble substantially these files.

Planned tasks:

  • Create a parser to for the provided data to (inevitably) turn it into friendlier formats—JSON, XML, YAML, etc.
  • Install repository software (probably CKAN) to host the data, display it on screen, and provide an API.
  • Write an algorithm to analyze inspection data and assign some kind of a quantitative indicator of the restaurant's cleanliness. (Virginia does not grade or otherwise rank restaurants, making this a useful function.)
  • Create an exporter to render data per Yelp's specs, and syndicate inspection data to Yelp.

Pronounced RYE-chil.