Bifold is an extensible open-source React Native project designed to enhance the way we interact with digital identities.
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[Proof Request] Unable to accept proof request after a credential is revoked
#929 opened by sachioiwamoto - 0
Unable to initialize agent “1045-Timeout has occurred”
#1368 opened by kotsakis24 - 0
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Unable to initialize agents after building the app
#1344 opened by YEASIN49 - 0
UX improvement to keep users informed/engaged about what is happening in the background
#1345 opened by cvarjao - 1
Error building on Windows
#1340 opened by humuhimi - 0
OID4VC branding image is not visible
#1337 opened by tusharbhayani - 0
OID4VP Proof Sharing is not working
#1336 opened by tusharbhayani - 1
A way to detect Biometry type for Android/iOS devices
#1159 opened by FarjadGov14 - 0
PIN enter screen/component display message is not always aligned with the context
#1329 opened by timbl-ont - 0
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Chat feature becoming optional
#1162 opened by MalikJumani - 1
Init agent bug
#1271 opened by MosCD3 - 2
Feature: In-line error messages on PIN screens
#1251 opened by MalikJumani-OPS - 7
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Message unpack failed
#1083 opened by jainavinash845 - 0
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TextEncoder undefined on ios deployment
#1156 opened by biagioboi - 0
Selective Disclosure Feature
#1150 opened by DineshRajj - 0
DIDComm over Bluetooth LE
#1147 opened by andrewwhitehead - 1
Failed to process revocation notification message
#1048 opened by himanshi4708 - 1
TLS error - include certificates?
#981 opened by SirukakSosta - 1
Failed to install the app
#1020 opened by himanshi4708 - 1
Mediator Request was aborted due to timeout
#1082 opened by jainavinash845 - 1
Issue with Wallet Initialization - "Error executing query: Profile not found"
#1076 opened by tarunvaddeSoul - 1
No corresponding recipient key found in ('BeJExxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx') and Message Unpack failed
#1085 opened by jainavinash845 - 1
Group messaging query
#1087 opened by RazinRahat - 2
Possibility of bypassing the PIN lock mechanism
#1031 opened by CarolineLCa - 1
[Android] Typo in permission name?
#999 opened by laygir - 0
Pool timeout during issue-credential - No retry mechanism
#1072 opened by pocbot - 1
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Error running bifold on android virtual (pixel 3a) and physical (pixel 7) phone
#1005 opened by deshmukhrajvardhan - 0
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Connectionless invitations are interpreted as invalid QR when the invitation is valid and action proceeded
#1006 opened by VikiMaiselman - 0
Use device's time format
#986 opened by thiagoromanos - 1
Create user friendly error if remote oca fails
#959 opened by wadeking98 - 0
Feature: Auto Accept Proof Request
#979 opened by cvarjao - 0
Cannot run example with instructions
#975 opened by valavanisleonidas - 3
[Camera Disclosure Modal] Camera access flow is not compliant with App Store guidelines
#965 opened by AlexanderShenshin - 1
bug(oca): attribute_categories should not be required
#945 opened by cvarjao - 0
bug(oca): category_labels should not be required
#946 opened by cvarjao - 1
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TypeScript best practices
#949 opened by bryce-mcmath - 0
[Credential Offer] It's possible to receive connection-less credential offer from removed contact
#930 opened by AlexanderShenshin