OPX Packer images

This repository contains all Packer files used for OPX-based deployments

Base AWS images

The list of base Debian 10 AMI's per region is as follows:

Region AMI
af-south-1 ami-0db145f13ff800d7b
ap-east-1 ami-0b94935e67a9d50ff
ap-northeast-1 ami-0ac97798ccf296e02
ap-northeast-2 ami-0b4a713d12660d96c
ap-northeast-3 ami-00f09455cf36d2e08
ap-south-1 ami-059a9b1093495222c
ap-southeast-1 ami-01aa83ab14b00e516
ap-southeast-2 ami-0d2f34c92aa48cd95
ca-central-1 ami-01c592dda54e43c1a
eu-central-1 ami-0245697ee3e07e755
eu-north-1 ami-0813b14494048969c
eu-south-1 ami-0257e70b7c6db1498
eu-west-1 ami-0874dad5025ca362c
eu-west-2 ami-050949f5d3aede071
eu-west-3 ami-04e905a52ec8010b2
me-south-1 ami-08ca9d63b8d4ec276
sa-east-1 ami-02e2a5679226e293c
us-east-1 ami-0adb6517915458bdb
us-east-2 ami-089fe97bc00bff7cc
us-west-1 ami-0528712befcd5d885
us-west-2 ami-0c7ea5497c02abcaf



  1. Export GCP credentials and configuration:
    export PKR_VAR_sa_json_key=*path_to_json_key* # Could also be exported as GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS env var
    export PKR_VAR_project_id=example-project
    export PKR_VAR_zone=europe-west1-b
    export PKR_VAR_instance_type="n2-standard-16"
  2. Build the image:
    packer build ./cryptonode-base/gcp-packer.json.pkr.hcl

After the build is finished, an image ID would be displayed, which could also be displayed at Cloud Console > Compute > Images


  1. Set your AWS credentials and instance configuration:
    export PKR_VAR_access_key=*YOUR_AWS_ACCESS_KEY*
    export PKR_VAR_secret_key=*YOUR_AWS_SECRET_KEY*
    export PKR_VAR_instance_type="c5.2xlarge"
    export PKR_VAR_source_ami="ami-0874dad5025ca362c"
  2. Build the image:
    packer build ./cryptonode-base/aws-packer.json.pkr.hcl

After the build is finished, an image ID would be displayed, you can also view it from the AWS console at "EC2>Images>AMIs" with the filter set to "Owned by me"