
Remove xubuntu-desktop installation

Closed this issue · 7 comments

Currently we are installing xubuntu-desktop Apt package in the docker image. This shouldn't be necessary since the docker image isn't providing a desktop environment. The installation of xubuntu-desktop should be removed and then the docker image can be rebuilt. Any failures that result from this can be handled by adding back any dependencies of xubuntu-desktop package that are actually needed to run.

This has been removed in both the python2 and python 3 versions in the development branch and both seem to be working... Testing appreciated.


Ran build.cmd on the Dockerfile3 on Docker in Windows 10 x64 Pro with following output.
Had to modify the DISPLAY variable to get a graphics window.
doesn't seem to produce an mp4 though.

Running,, works fine on Ubuntu 20.04 with Docker engine

error with ffmpeg in Windows is probably from me messing with the DISPLAY var

Great to hear. Thanks for testing @clausagerskov!

Yep as I suspected, outputs videos with no problem on Windows if I don't mess with the file

No longer installed in py3 dockerfile