
docker image isn't showing

Closed this issue · 2 comments

If this issue is intended to be a bug report, please fill out the following:

Expected behavior
Image should be viewed

Actual behavior
Any idea what could be causing this error?
(devoworm) syedather@Syeds-MBP-2 OpenWorm % docker scout quickview openworm/openworm
i New version 1.4.1 available (installed version is 1.3.0) at
⠇ Storing image for indexing% (devoworm) syedather@Syeds-MBP-2 OpenWorm % docker scout quickview openworm/openworm
i New version 1.4.1 available (installed version is 1.3.0) at
ERROR Status: could not get the image openworm/openworm from cache: failed to copy image: failed to create new image source: unable to load image: could not read image: open /var/folders/2g/mg4_q7jn3qndbhzmw0pnlhg40000gn/T/docker-scout/sha256/09a2c345c50c3cc378effb46f59552b3c964366d03b2dadf4f51cdbfff92bade/b03be215-338b-4528-95b8-d9974044dd74/blobs/sha256/f4a670ac65b68f8757aea863ac0de19e627c0ea57165abad8094eae512ca7dad: no such file or directory, Code: 1
I’m currently this on my Docker image on my Macbook with an external hard ddrive (4 TB). It should have enough but it seemsl ike my Mac keeps running out of application memory. Any suggestions on best ways to run given my tehcnical limitations ?
Unfortunately I don’t have access to any large computing facilities

Docker Scout CLI
Added by GitHub

Steps to reproduce the behavior
I’m currently this on my Docker image on my Macbook with an external hard drive (4 TB). It should have enough but it seems like my Mac keeps running out of application memory. Any suggestions on the best ways to run given my technical limitations ?

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  • Requirements are clearly specified
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    • Trivial = Changing one-line of code somewhere.
    • Standalone = Changes & Development do not affect other components of project. Tasks can be on a critical path, but probably should not be.
    • Simple = from 2 hours work to maybe a week’s work (Thinking + Coding)

@HussainAther I've not used docker scout before, so not clear what the issues with that are.

The recommended way to use it is to clone the repo and build it locally to run as per Did this work?

Issue has been resovled. Thanks. It came down to some memory storage issues on my hard drive. Close.