This library contains a entity framework for bbolt, including CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) and query operations, a filtering DSL (Domain Specific Language) as well as an AST (Abstract Syntax Tree) for the DSL
contains the ANTLR4 based grammar for the filtering DSL- Use the
script to generate the go code when the grammar changes
- Use the
contains an AST which can be built from the grammar.- It is structured to be able to run filters across some set of data as well as interface for getting typing information about the symbols in the underlying datastore
- It includes a visitor pattern which can be used for AST validations or transformations
- It includes type transformation code, allowing the AST to be transformed into a typed version of itself
contains:- Entity management framework, including entity store interfaces and base types for doing CRUD and querying
- Code for managing bbolt indexes and foreign keys
- bbolt utilities for getting/setting typed data from bbolt (see typed_bucket.go)
- Implementation of AST interfaces for reading symbols and getting symbol type information
ANTLR patches
ARM 32 Patch
A compile issue happens on arm 32 which required the following patch:
diff --git a/storage/zitiql/zitiql_parser.go b/storage/zitiql/zitiql_parser.go
index af80e9d..8732ec4 100644
--- a/storage/zitiql/zitiql_parser.go
+++ b/storage/zitiql/zitiql_parser.go
@@ -1170,7 +1170,7 @@ func (p *ZitiQlParser) Start() (localctx IStartContext) {
_la = p.GetTokenStream().LA(1)
- for ((_la-3)&-(0x1f+1)) == 0 && ((1<<uint((_la-3)))&((1<<(ZitiQlParserLPAREN-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserBOOL-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserALL_OF-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserANY_OF-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserCOUNT-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserISEMPTY-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserNOT-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserIDENTIFIER-3)))) != 0 {
+ for ((_la-3)&-(0x1f+1)) == 0 && ((uint64(1)<<uint((_la-3)))&((1<<(ZitiQlParserLPAREN-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserBOOL-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserALL_OF-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserANY_OF-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserCOUNT-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserISEMPTY-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserNOT-3))|(1<<(ZitiQlParserIDENTIFIER-3)))) != 0 {
It may be a boundary condition and may be fixed if we add another constant, or it may not. Either way, the fix may need to be reapplied when the grammer is regenerated.