Stream processing pipeline

This codebase contains logic to simulate, ingest and process realtime data from various sources including kafka and pubsub. The diagram below provides a concise architecture of the pipeline.


How this repository is organised

This repo has the following folder structure. Poetry was used to initialise folder structure. 📢 Check the data folder for some sample outputs.

|   └───sa: Contains service account used by terraform and cloud services
|   └───scripts: Contains shell scripts for setting environment variables and running terraform
│   └───terraform: Contains all the modules required by terraform to provision the required infrastucture
|   └───beam: Contains codebase for pipelines created with the apache beam sdk
|   |   └───pipeline_utils: Contains utility functions used in the beam pipeline
|   |   └───schemas: Contains Json schema for data validation
|   |   └───data: Contains results from sample pipeline runs
|   └───publishers: Contains code for generating random data for both kafka and pubsub
|   └───tests

Requirements and Assumptions

  1. It is assumed that you have docker and docker-compose installed.
  2. Create a google cloud project here. The $300 free credit should be enough.
  3. Edit the GCP_PROJECT_ID with the allocated project_id
  4. Create a service account with an Editor role and download the service account key
  5. Copy the key into env/sa/sa_local.json. You can also rename dummy_file.json to sa_local.json and paste in the key contents

How to use

# Clone the public repository and cd into it
git clone

# Create local dev. environment
make raise

# Provison GCP cloud infrastructure. This is required if
# the application is to be deployed on GCP.
make provision

# Run tests (unit and functional tests). The functional test essentially
# mocks the streaming data and runs the pipeline. Results are available in
# the results folder (fpattern is aggregates-*).
make run-tests

# Recommended for local (direct) runner
# This runs the stream processor app to consume pubsub messages and
# dumps the outputs into the results folder (pattern is beam-temp-*) in the root directory.
# Note that this is set to use directrunner if you want to run in the cloud
# remove the --runnner arg (default is set to DataflowRunner) and provide a bucket as # output path e.g --output_path gs://stream-processor/results.
make run-app-with-pubsub

# Not Recommended for local (direct) runner  due to issue
# However it works using the DataflowRunnner. In this case, remove the --runnner arg (default is set to DataflowRunner) and provide a bucket as output path e.g --output_path gs://stream-processor/results
make run-app-with-kafka

# Stop container (terminates all processes)
make reset

📢 Always check the results folder for output

Pending Issues

  1. There is an open issue with using the local (direct) runner of the python sdk with the kafka read/write transforms tracked here. However it works using the DataflowRunnner. In this case, remove the --runnner arg (default is set to DataflowRunner) and provide a bucket as output path e.g --output_path gs://stream-processor/results