
A super simple example of a user authentication & authorization API in Node.js using Fastify, MongoDB, JWTs, and sessions.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This project is a demo for a simple user registration and authentication flow. It uses Node.js & fastify for the web server, MongoDB for the database, and a lightweight HTML/JS web client for the UI. It has JWTs and server-side sessions, email verification, and password resetting.

Getting Started


You'll need Caddy for running the API and UI servers.

You'll also need to add the following to your /etc/hosts file:   nodeauth.dev   api.nodeauth.dev

Running the Project

After you've installed Caddy and set up your hosts file, clone down the project:

git clone git@github.com:opes/node-auth-fastify.git

Then, install the API dependencies and start the server:

cd node-auth-fastify/api
npm i
cp .env-example .env

Then, install the web UI dependencies and start the server:

cd node-auth-fastify/web
npm i
cp .env-example .env

Finally, from the root of the project, run Caddy:

cd node-auth-fastify
caddy run