Library to help requesting and stitching Google Street View panoramas.
Include GSVPano.[min.]js and Google Maps API lib.
The lib uses google.maps.LatLng to specify the location and google.maps.StreetViewService.
<script src="GSVPano.min.js"></script>
<script src=""></script>
Add this basic code:
// Create a PanoLoader object
var loader = new GSVPANO.PanoLoader();
// Implement the onPanoramaLoad handler
loader.onPanoramaLoad = function() {
Do your thing with the panorama:
this.canvas: an HTML5 canvas with the texture
this.copyright: the copyright of the images
// Invoke the load method with a LatLng point
loader.load( new google.maps.LatLng( 42.216188,-75.726578 ) );
loader.onSizeChange = function() {
showMessage( 'Size changed' );
loader.onPanoramaData = function( result ) {
showMessage( 'Panorama OK.<br/>Load started' );
loader.onNoPanoramaData = function( status ) {
showError("Could not retrieve panorama for the following reason: " + status);
loader.onProgress = function( p ) {
showMessage( '.' );
loader.onError = function( message ) {
showMessage( 'Error: ' + message );
loader.onPanoramaLoad = function() {
showMessage( ' finished.<br/>' );
document.body.appendChild( this.canvas );
showMessage( 'Panorama loaded, street view data ' + this.copyright + '.<br/>' );
Forks, pull requests and code critiques are welcome!