
Allure reporting utilities for Google Test

Primary LanguageC++

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C++ Allure utilities for GoogleTest

Utilities to generate Allure reports for automated tests based on GoogleTest.


Download using Conan

This library is designed to be installed by making use of Conan package manager. So, you just need to add the following requirement into your Conan recipe:

def requirements(self):

Version number of this code snipped is set just as an example. Replace it for the desired package to retrieve.

As this package is not available on the conan-center, you will also need to configure a remote repository before installing dependencies:

conan remote add systelab-public https://csw.jfrog.io/artifactory/api/conan/cpp-conan-production-local

See Conan documentation for further details on how to integrate this package with your build system.

Build from sources

See BUILD.md document for details.


Register library as a GoogleTest listener

This library needs to be registered as a listener of your GoogleTest program. This registering can be done as follows:

#include <gtest/gtest.h>
#include <gmock/gmock.h>
#include "GTestAllureUtilities/AllureAPI.h"

int main(int argc, char* argv[])
	::testing::InitGoogleTest(&argc, argv);


	int res = RUN_ALL_TESTS();

	return res;

Configure output folder

The folder where JSON Allure reports will be generated can be defined by using the AllureAPI::setOutputFolder(...) method:


This needs to be configured before executing the RUN_ALL_TESTS() macro of GoogleTest.

Set name, description and TMS identifier of test suite

By default, each test suite will be named as the associated test class. However, this name can be adjusted with the AllureAPI::setTestSuiteName(...) method. Similarly, the AllureAPI::setTestSuiteDescription(...) and AllureAPI::setTMSId(...) methods allow setting the description and the TMS identifier of the test suite respectively.

class MyTestSuite : public testing::Test
    static void SetUpTestSuite()
        AllureAPI::setTestSuiteName("My test suite name"); // Default test suite is "MyTestSuite"
        AllureAPI::setTestSuiteDescription("This is the description for the MyTestSuite");

Set test macro description

For each test macro (TEST_F or TEST_P) in a suite, an action step will be added to the generated report. By default, these actions will have the name of the test fixture assigned by GoogleTest as a description. This description can be overwritten by making use of the AllureAPI::setTestCaseName(...) method:

TEST_F(MyTestSuite, testSomething)
   // Default action description is "MyTestSuite.testSomething" (automatically assigned by GoogleTest)
   AllureAPI::setTestCaseName("Human readable description of test action");

Define steps for a test macro

When a test macro is quite complex, it might be interesting to decompose it into several steps. Moreover, some these steps will correspond with actions and the rest to expected results. So, in order to facilitate the definition of this kind of test scenarios, the library provides the AllureAPI::addAction(...) and AllureAPI::addExpectedResult(...) methods. They require 2 arguments: a human readable description of the step and a lambda function with the code included on the step.

The following example illustrates how to define a test macro with multiple steps:

TEST_F(MyTestSuite, testSumOfValuesVector)
    AllureAPI::setTestCaseName("Compute sum of 5 + 3");
    int result = 5 + 3;
    AllureAPI::addExpectedResult("Sum result is equal to 8", [result]() -> void
        ASSERT_EQ(8, result);
    AllureAPI::addAction("Add 22 to result of previous sum", [&result]() -> void
        result += 22;
    AllureAPI::addExpectedResult("New sum result is equal to 30", [result]() -> void
        ASSERT_EQ(30, result);

Add labels to a test suite

Labels allow complementing the general information defined for each test suite. They can be recorded through the AllureAPI::setTestSuiteLabel(...) method. Additionally, the library provides built-in methods to include the most common labels.

class MyTestSuite : public testing::Test
    static void SetUpTestSuite()
    	// ...
	// Add built-in labels
        AllureAPI::setTestSuiteEpic("Epic name of test suite");
	// Add custom labels
        AllureAPI::setTestSuiteLabel("CustomLabel1", "Value for custom label 1");
        AllureAPI::setTestSuiteLabel("CustomLabel2", "Value for custom label 2");

Labels are designed to be unique per test suite. Thus, if a label is set twice on the same suite, then only the latest value provided will be included on the report.

Additional test program options

Program name

The name of the test program (included in filename of generated report files) can be adjusted as follows:


TMS Link patterns

The pattern of the links between each test suite and the test management system (TMS) needs to be configured before starting the test program:


The {} will be replaced by the TMS identifier on the report of each test suite


See Sample Test project for more complete usage examples.