experimenting with webvr.
Thanks to @borismus and his fantastic work on webvr-polyfill
- modify webvr-polyfill to provide positional tracking with jsartoolkit
- video in the back
- works in mobile web. so android and google glass
- makes ar as easy to code as normal 3d
- like a game in a foire
- little gltf duck are pumping up
- you hit them with a hammer
- TODO THREEx.Reticle.signals.nearingStart/nearingStop signals
- signals triggered when the reticle is near a potential target
- Reticle UI is using it to make the reticle smaller when it isnt near a target
- make the reticle close to the target - thus no focus trouble
- dispatch the intersecting object in signals
- thus people can code feedback on intersecting object too
make a start screen - get a instruction screen
remove font-awesome and put svg icon
have a player death leading to a instruction screen ?
make game.html playable
- aka able to shoot at enemy, die if enemy touch
- thor hammer as enemy
- stop sound when reseting enemy position
- handle state via Promise
- minimap
- make score
make it tell a story
- zombies running into you
- you squashing kittens with a horrible guns
- something with kitten and heart
TODO what is the state automata for player/enemies/game
- game state automata
- instruction screen -> wait for use to start
- startGame (loading resource) -> gameStarted()
THREE.Reticle could be useful in three.js
- API similar to raycaster
- signals mouseEnter/mouseLeave/click
pointerlock while on desktop - https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/examples/misc_controls_pointerlock.html <<<<<<< HEAD
- seems more like a webvr-polyfill ui issue =======
- immersive-web/webvr-polyfill#115
ipad issues
- cant go fullscreen
- cant come back from stereo
DONE find a good way to position minimap+score
- RayCaster to compute the ray from the camera position and mouse position
- Ray.IntersectPlane https://github.com/mrdoob/three.js/blob/master/src/math/Ray.js#L310
- make a THREE.Plane with .setFromNormalAndCoplanarPoint http://threejs.org/docs/index.html#Reference/Math/Plane
- normal+coplanarPoint obtained from camera
- normal (0,0,1) is from camera.worldToLocal
- coplanarPoint camera.worldToLocal(0,0,cameraToUiDistance)
- added toggle mute function
- added icons with font awesome - not too nice icons - but easy and free
- cloned webvr-polyfill example - https://github.com/borismus/webvr-polyfill