
My configuration of fsmapper

Primary LanguageLua


This repository manages configuration scripts for fsmapper that I use when playing flight simulators. These scripts are designed to work with the following hardware.

  • SimHID G1000
  • Touchscrren secandary display in order to display a virtual instrument panel
  • Logicool X56 HOTAS

Please refer to this video for a showcase of the typical aircraft supported by this script (note that it supports aircraft beyond those featured in the video).

How to use

  1. Cloning this repository

    $ git clone https://github.com/opiopan/scripts_for_fsmapper.git
  2. Running a script on fsmapper
    After launching fsmapper, open scripts_for_fsmapper\config.lua.

Adapt to your environment

If your hardware environment differs from mine (which is generally the case), specify the following script in the 'Pre-run script' section of fsmapper's settings page, restart the script.

override_config = {
    simhid_g1000_display = 1,
    simhid_g1000_display_scale = 0.5,

    simhid_g1000_mock = true, 
    simhid_g1000_mock_proxy = {
        type = 'dinput',
        identifier = {name = 'Saitek Pro Flight X-56 Rhino Throttle'},
        aux_up = 'button19',
        aux_down = 'button18',
        aux_push = 'button2',

    disable_hotas = true,

The above script needs to be customized to match your environment. Here is the meaning of each parameter.

  • simhid_g1000_display
    Specify the display number for showing the virtual instrument panel. This display should ideally be a touchscreen, but it can also be operated using a mouse.

  • simhid_g1000_display_scale
    Specify the size of the virtual instrument panel display. Use 1 to use the entire screen.

  • simhid_g1000_mock
    If you are not using SimHID G1000 or do not own it at all, specify true.

  • simhid_g1000_mock_proxy
    In many aircraft, you can operate multiple virtual instrument panels by switching between them. This switching operation is assigned to the left and right AUX switches of SimHID G1000. If you are not using SimHID G1000, you can assign the switching operation to another device using this parameter.

    Specify the device to use for this purpose in the identifier parameter. Refer to this guide for descriptions of the identifier parameters corresponding to the devices you own.

    Specify which buttons of the device identified by identifier to use for switching virtual instrument panels using aux_up, aux_down, and aux_push parameters.

  • disable_hotas
    If you are not using the Logicool X56 HOTAS or do not own it at all, specify true.