- 0
- 1
What do you use the library for in real life?
#108 opened by thorewi - 1
- 1
- 0
- 2
Recursively wrap closures within existing object
#131 opened by oojacoboo - 4
- 2
- 3
- 2
Closure::fromCallable results in Call to a member function bindTo() on null
#112 opened by fcastilloes - 0
Some time unserialize return false
#111 opened by nguyenngocanh94 - 1
Suggestion: usage of Z-engine for the 4.x version
#101 opened by lisachenko - 3
Error when using PHP 8 named parameters
#90 opened by Chi-teck - 9
Carbon Notice Error: serialize(): __sleep should return an array only containing the names of instance-variables to serialize
#75 opened by dercoder - 12
- 2
False positive on the "static" keyword
#61 opened by mnapoli - 22
Opis Closure 4.x is available for testing
#59 opened by msarca - 0
- 3
PHP Deprecated: Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated
#124 opened by harryqt - 2
Problem with the Named Parameters (in php8^)
#136 opened by devdasher - 5
Not compatible with PHP 8.1
#128 opened by charescape - 1
error:php8 Serializable interface is deprecated
#127 opened by kiss291323003 - 3
PHP warning on PHP 8.1
#107 opened by come-nc - 1
PHP 8.1 Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated
#126 opened by 2606062632 - 1
PHP8.1: `Opis\Closure\SerializableClosure` implements the Serializable interface, which is deprecated
#125 opened by solracsf - 1
Issue with php 8.1
#120 opened by LordDeveloper - 2
Error using `opis/closure` in PHP 8
#114 opened by matheusjohannaraujo - 3
- 3
Laravel installation error
#104 opened by rami1973 - 10
Backport PHP 8.1 support to 3.x
#102 opened by GrahamCampbell - 1
Coding Standard
#100 opened by szepeviktor - 0
Support PHP 8 Attributes
#80 opened by GrahamCampbell - 1
Error when use $this only in inside closure
#95 opened by heyuuu - 4
- 7
Trying to serialize a closure freezes PHP
#89 opened by eqMFqfFd - 1
- 2
Callbacks using local variables not working
#93 opened by davizuku - 1
Issue with the automatic resolution of __DIR__
#91 opened by kocsismate - 1
- 5
- 11
- 7
Use opis/closure without composer?
#82 opened by pwFoo - 10
PHP 8 support
#63 opened by driesvints - 5
- 0
- 4
Issue on parsing closure callback
#70 opened by and1truong - 3
Incompatible type hints
#68 opened by xepozz - 2
functions.php a bad idea
#65 opened by GrahamCampbell - 7
"Using $this when not in object context" in 3.5.4
#60 opened by tormit - 1
Fixed error with typed properties
#58 opened by xepozz