
Chain Binomial Models For Analysis Of Infectious Disease Data

Primary LanguageR


The Chain Binomial model for infectious disease spread is especially suitable for modelling of small outbreaks, such as outbreaks in households. This package contains tools for analyzing data using the Chain Binomial model and estimating the secondary attack rate (SAR). The household secondary attack rate is defined as the probability that an infected household member infects a susceptible household member.


On this package you will find the repository for the development version of the package. It is recommended that you install and use the version that is available from CRAN. (link). You can install with this command:


To install the latest development version:


Chain Binomial probabilities

Consider a household with 4 persons. A single household member becomes infected by a contagious disease outside of the household, and the other 3 household members are susceptible to the disease. Assuming a secondary attack rate of 0.23, we can compute the probability that 2 of the 3 susceptible household members becomes infected using the dchainbinom function. The dchainbinom functions works similarly to other discrete probability mass functions in R, such as the dbinom and dpois.


dchainbinom(x = 2, s0 = 3, i0 = 1, sar = 0.23)
## [1] 0.1840275

We can also compute the entire final size distribution

dchainbinom(x = 0:3, s0 = 3, i0 = 1, sar = 0.23)
## [1] 0.4565330 0.2425560 0.1840275 0.1168835

Suppose instead that 2 of the 4 household members were infected simultaneously outside of the household. The i0 would then be 2. We can again compute the final size distribution. Note that the number of initial susceptible household members s0 is now 2.

dchainbinom(x = 0:2, s0 = 2, i0 = 2, sar = 0.23)
## [1] 0.3515304 0.3717092 0.2767604

Now suppose that we don’t have observed the entire outbreak, but only a single generation. The entire probability distribution after 1 generation can be computed using the generations argument. By default the generations argument is Inf, meaning that the outbreak is assumed to be completely observed.

dchainbinom(x = 0:3, s0 = 3, i0 = 1, sar = 0.23, generations = 1)
## [1] 0.456533 0.409101 0.122199 0.012167

Simulating data

The rchainbinom function can be used to simulate data. Suppose we want to simulate data on the number of infected household from 10 households, with SAR = 0.2 for the first 5, and SAR = 0.4 for the last 5, all with 4 susceptible and one initial infected person. This can be done like this:


rchainbinom(n = 10, sar = rep(c(0.2, 0.4), each = 5), s0 = 4, i0 = 1, generations = Inf)
##  [1] 0 0 3 4 2 1 4 4 4 3

The rchainbinom works similarly to the rbinom and rpois functions.

Estimating the secondary attack rate

Suppose we have data on how many become infected in 20 households and we want to estimate the secondary attack rate. The households may be of different sizes and have different number of initial infectees. Lets simulate some data with a know SAR = 0.3:


my_simulated_data <- data.frame(s0 = c(2,3,4,2,1,5,4,4,4,1,1,3,4,1,1,2,3,1,3,6),
                                i0 = c(1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1))

my_simulated_data$infected <- rchainbinom(n = nrow(my_simulated_data),
                                          sar = 0.3,
                                          s0 = my_simulated_data$s0,
                                          i0 = my_simulated_data$i0,
                                          generations = Inf)

##    s0 i0 infected
## 1   2  1        0
## 2   3  1        3
## 3   4  1        2
## 4   2  1        0
## 5   1  2        0
## 6   5  1        4
## 7   4  1        4
## 8   4  1        3
## 9   4  1        4
## 10  1  1        0
## 11  1  2        1
## 12  3  1        2
## 13  4  1        4
## 14  1  1        0
## 15  1  1        1
## 16  2  1        1
## 17  3  1        0
## 18  1  1        0
## 19  3  1        2
## 20  6  1        3

Now lets estimate the secondary attack rate using the estimate_sar function

my_sar_estimate <- estimate_sar(infected = my_simulated_data$infected, 
                                 s0 = my_simulated_data$s0, 
                                 i0 = my_simulated_data$i0,
                                 generations = Inf)

## [1] 0.334902

We can also compute 95% confidence intervals

##     2.5 %    97.5 % 
## 0.2341291 0.4493579

Predictors of SAR, association analysis

Suppose the households differ in some systematic way and we want to see if there are some factors that are associated with a larger of smaller SAR. We can let SAR depend on a set of predictors, similar to a Generalized Linear Model (GLM). The predictors in this model would operate on the household level, not on the level of individuals. One example of a predictor would be the strain or variant of the infectious agent.

Lets simulate some data again, with a simple binary predictor called strain_type. The SAR for strain_type = 0 is 0.2 and for strain_type = 1 it is 0.5.


# Same s0 and i0 as before.
my_simulated_data <- data.frame(s0 = c(2,3,4,2,1,5,4,4,4,1,1,3,4,1,1,2,3,1,3,6),
                                i0 = c(1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,2,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1),
                                strain_type = rep(c(0,1), each = 10))

my_simulated_data$infected <- rchainbinom(n = nrow(my_simulated_data),
                                          sar = 0.2 + my_simulated_data$strain_type*0.3,
                                          s0 = my_simulated_data$s0,
                                          i0 = my_simulated_data$i0)

Lets fit a model with strain_type as predictor using the cbmod function. To use the formula interface that is common in R to specify models, we can use the model.matrix function to make the X matrix that is then passed on to cbmod.

Note that s0, i0, and generations should not be thought of as predictor variables and should not be included in the X matrix. They are also not response variables (the number of infected is the response), but could perhaps be thought of as ‘nuisance data’.

xmat <- model.matrix(~ strain_type, data = my_simulated_data)

cbmod_res <- cbmod(y = my_simulated_data$infected, 
                   s0 = my_simulated_data$s0, 
                   i0 = my_simulated_data$i0,
                   generations = Inf,
                   x = xmat, 
                   link = 'identity')

## Chain Binomial model with identity link.
## Model successfully fitted in 0.07 seconds
## Model log-likelihood:             -19.6
## Null log-likelihood:              -24.0
## Chisq (df = 1):                   8.916
## p-value:                          0.003
## Coefficients:
##             Estimate Std. Error  P-value
## (Intercept)    0.204     0.058     0.000
## strain_type    0.328     0.113     0.004
##                  2.5 %    97.5 %
## (Intercept) 0.09064079 0.3178483
## strain_type 0.10600845 0.5498695

Here we used the identity link function, which is the default. This gives the easiest interpretation of the coefficients, but will often not work in more complicated models with more than one predictor or when the predictor(s) are numerical rather than categorical. In that case you should use link='logit'.

tidy and glance methods are also available for cbmod objects.

Unobserved individuals

This methodology is still under development so the function interface, implementations, and underlying methodology might change.

Sometimes there are individuals in the household whose infection status is not known. This could be because they did not get tested, did not consent to participate in the study or were excluded for some other reason. These individuals will still contribute to the outbreak dynamics within the household and their presence ought to be modelled and not ignored, even if their infection status is unknown.

One way to deal with this is to assume an underlying chain binomial model of the outbreak, and have a hypergeometric observational model on top of that. The probability of observing x infected in a household of 5 initial susceptible individuals, where only 4 of them are observed (i.e. 1 individual is not observed) can be calculated with the dcbhyper function, using the s0_obs argument.

dcbhyper(x=0:4, s0 = 5, sar=0.25, s0_obs = 4)
## [1] 0.2623329 0.1470408 0.1563287 0.2069753 0.2273222

There is also a function ecbhyper for calculating the expected value and estimate_sar_cbhyper for estimating the sar parameter.
