FP3 - Team Declaration

Due Friday, March 25, 2016. Once you have your team figured out, make a single pull request for your whole team describing:

  • who's on it (using github usernames and real names)
  • a team name (for use in creating the group on github. Short and sweet.)
  • a project title (10 words or fewer, can be changed later)
  • a basic project concept
  • what libraries you plan on using, as a group

Team rules:

  • Teams should be two people except under special circumstances
  • All team members must be in the same course section
  • Teams of fewer than two members require explicit written permission
  • Teams of more than two people require explicit written permission

In looking for the team, we welcome you to use the course mailing list. When posting on the list, be sure to include:

  • what you're interested in doing
  • what libraries you looked at for FP1 and FP2
  • when you will be able to meet to work on project

Please make sure to review the information at https://groups.google.com/d/msg/uml-opl-spr16/0bbtjSLWKvs/86A9IKxBHgAJ regarding how to develop a good project.

To submit: make a pull request. One pull request for the whole team.