
FP for OPL : It is a data security software that stores and encrypts passwords of usernames their respected website.

Primary LanguageRacket


##Authors Michael Bowe @mgbowe1

Aliyu Zakari @ABZaxxon

##Overview LambdaPassword is a secure password and username storage that uses the RSA cryptosystem to encrypt the information entered for storage and decrypt the information when requested.

##Screenshot alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag alt tag ##Concepts Demonstrated

  • Data abstraction, recursive data structures and encapsulation implemented using Message Passing making making the RSA encryption and decryption algorithm which is used as the constructor for the make-db object. We also made helper functions that encode and decode strings.

##External Technology and Libraries (require math/number-theory) - For the algorithm of the encryption and decryption.

##Favorite Scheme Expressions ####Michael Bowe This expression is the heart and soul of RSA encryption. It amazes me how elegant this can be. The function definition below takes a list of numbers and encrypts them so they can be easily decrypted with the proper private key.

(define (encrypt num)
  (map (lambda (x)
         (modular-expt x (cdr public_key) (car public_key)))
       (car num)))

####Aliyu Zakari This code does the writing of the encryption of the information to a database.ss file. It was fun finally getting it to work and also trying to set such that when information is read in, it is read in as a list with a newline after each entry. It was thanks to Michael for finding a much better methode for the output. It helped eliminate the bug of printing out nothing for no reason.

(define (input into)
  (let ((p (open-output-file "database.ss" #:exists 'append)))
    (let f ((ls (list into)))    
      (if (not(null? ls))
            (write (car(car ls)) p)
            (newline p)
            (f (cdr ls)))null))
    (close-output-port p) )
(define output (lambda () (file->list "database.ss")))

#How to Download and Run

  • unzip the repository and create a file named database.ss
  • run rsa.rkt in drracket
  • use (db 'insert '("str1" "str2" "str3" ... "strN")) to store your data
  • use (db 'retrieve "str1" 'foo) to get your data where "str1" matches "str1" in your data
  • use (db 'get-all 'foo) to show everything in your database.ss file in a readable format
  • use (db 'showdata) to show everything in your database.ss file