
Advanced ESP based 40Hz Gamma brain stimulator

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

⚠️ warning:This device will flash/strobe the light! Don't use it next to individuals with epilepsy! ⚠️

⚠️ The research has not been tested and has not been proven to work on humans! Use it at your own risk! ⚠️


An advanced ESP8266 based device used to drive a 40Hz (programmable) flashing led light for brain stimulation and non invasive Alzheimer Gamma Light Therapy.





  • Complete configuration and control through web pages
  • Programmable Light On-Time, flickering Frequence and Brightness
  • WIFI Station and AP mode

Prototype board

alt text

Hardware notes:

  • Board designed to be fitted with 'Wemos D1 mini' or 'ESP12F' modules
  • Optional OLED SS1306 Display
  • Power to logic from AC main (populating PS1 with a HLK-PM01 module) or external 5V
  • External Input for Light Power
  • ESP01 version (in progress)