this calculation run using : this should be running with last CYclus/Cycamore version
the present simulation includes :
The input file for the different cases of the EG29 calculation:
- Case 1: PWR loop only
- Case 2: FBR loop only
- Case 3: steady state of FBR/PWR (70/30 of the generated power)
- Case 4: the actual transition
For each/some cases subacses have been considered:
- x.1: lumbed composition, no decay
- x.2: isotopic composition, no decay
- x.3: isotopic composition, decay
Different declinaison have been perform on each cases, changing some modeling choises:
- basic (no sufix): fuel fabrication using cycamore::fuel_fab
- MF: fabrication done with cicamore::Mixer
- MLP: fab/depletion done with MLP CLASS model (fix K_threshold)
- MLP_STD: fab/depletion done woth MLP CLASS model (K_threshold def at 1.03i, 3 batches)
- MLP_STD_2: fab/depletion fone with MLP CLASS model( K_ths=1.03, 4 batches)
- MLP_recipe: fab MLP CLASS (k_ths=1.03, 3batches) + recipe reactor
- LII_xx incease initial storage (force decay effect) -- xXX multiply by -- 10/50/100 to be checked
- UOX_start: transition from actual US fleet
- XXX_inv: add the inventory in output file
- XXX_manager: attempt to force building FBR in the same time as its blanket
- pucomp: TBD