- 0
- 0
Single Digit Expressions from 5-9: Concept cards is missing playing in Portuguese language
#1671 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
- 1
What is Addition and Basics of Addition Chapters: The concept cards are not translated to Portuguese
#1654 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Single Digit Expressions from 1-5: Concept cards is missing playing in Portuguese language
#1670 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
What multiplication means: The factor 4 is missing in the expression 74x4
#1669 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
What Multiplication Means: Concept cards is missing playing in Portuguese language
#1668 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Parts of Multiplication Expressions: Concept cards is missing playing in Portuguese language
#1667 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Parts of Multiplication Expressions: duplicated sentence "number of apples"
#1666 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Adding & subtraction several numbers: A space is missing beetween the words "papel" and "voce"
#1664 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
- 0
Adding larger numbers: the last question is missing
#1663 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Adding larger numbers chapter: Some explanation and question are not translated to Portuguese
#1662 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Adding larger numbers: Answer box for no question playing in Portuguese, the question is missing
#1661 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
"What is subtraction?" Chapter: There is a duplicate part in English when it is playing in Portuguese language
#1660 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
What is subtraction Chapter: Some explanation are not translated to Portuguese
#1659 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Basics of Addition Chapter: There are some duplicate parts in English when it is playing in Portuguese language
#1658 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Rounding Numbers Part 1: Rigth answer is not considering as correct in English and Portuguese language
#1657 opened by cam-pinheiro - 1
- 1
The first question and hint in the "What is Addition?" are not translated to Portuguese language
#1655 opened by cam-pinheiro - 0
Portuguese audio does not match the text in Portuguese on What are Place Values Chapter
#1653 opened by cam-pinheiro - 1
Fractions 1: learner didn't understand what "Dhal" meant.
#1648 opened by seanlip - 23
[UXW] Update the course details and topic descriptions on the site.
#1540 opened by seanlip - 2
- 3
[BUG]: Answer is requested on a Page with no questions
#1527 opened by Isi-Irabor - 1
#1462 opened by Judith0001 - 0
Missing feedback in curated explorations
#1464 opened by Vir-8 - 1
- 0
Have a math lesson for Counting.
#1643 opened by seanlip - 0
- 0
Ratios lessons -- some text might need to be simplified.
#1644 opened by seanlip - 0
Need to audit the lessons in Brazilian Portuguese
#1645 opened by seanlip - 0
Do an audit to ensure that all the questions in the lessons have enough hints
#1646 opened by seanlip - 0
Improve hints in Place Values "Rounding Numbers"
#1647 opened by seanlip - 3
[BUG]: The sentence "Before you start, make sure you know how to count to 100 "is duplicated when translating to Portuguese language
#1651 opened by cam-pinheiro - 3
[BUG]: ANSWER MISMATCH: Incorrect options marked as correct in Oppia quizes
#1640 opened by phenomenal-dev - 1
Issue with Post-Test question on Length Measurements
#1611 opened by Daodu111 - 1
Issues with forms on Length Measurements
#1576 opened by Daodu111 - 1
[BUG]: [BUG]: Incorrect calculations in Chapter/Lesson 5 under the "Length Measurements" topic in the Maths Lesson.
#1533 opened by maryann-nwagba - 2
- 1
[BUG]: Language selector issue on addition and subtraction - chapter 1 "what is addition?"
#1463 opened by Marina-fatima-oppia - 2
[BUG]: Audio Unavailable and Text on Screen Not Matching
#1347 opened by NayaIsichei - 1
[BUG]: English Audio Unavailable
#1313 opened by NayaIsichei - 6
Difficulty signing into Oppia website.
#1099 opened by Norrno - 0
Card Name Not Showing On Cards
#1236 opened by Adenike-O - 5
Asking About Mentorship
#1057 opened by JenniferOgwuche - 3
Irene's introduction
#1025 opened by IreneAnyadu - 2
Afoma's introduction
#1010 opened by Afoma-Egbuonu - 6
Glory's Introduction
#1003 opened by GloryCee - 6
[BUG]: Character name is inconsistent
#932 opened by juliafalarini