This is Opporty’s public repository. You may also view our Plasma Cash library here:

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Opporty ICO

A service-focused, knowledge-sharing business platform with decentralized, crypto-enabled marketplace that facilitates purchase and sale

Opporty ico

How to use docker

To begin with, you need to install a docker CE and a docker-compose according to this instruction docker CE docker-compose

Start private net

cd bin

Start private net truffle migration

cd bin

Start mining private net

cd bin

Stop mining private net

cd bin

Start rinkeby net

cd bin

Start rinkeby net truffle migration

You must create a file with a password in the directory $HOME/ICO/ethernode/rinkeby/password and insert the password from the private key (49b7776ea56080439000fd54c45d72d3ac213020)

cd bin

Connection Ethereum Wallet to private net:


ethereumwallet --rpc http://localhost:8545

Show sync stats:

cd bin