⚙️ Operating Account Operators (OAO) is a Golang tool to interact with the LDAP protocol to manage account groups, roles, ACLs/ACEs, etc...

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⚙️ OAO (Operating Account Operators)

⚙️ Operating Account Operators (OAO) is a Golang tool to interact with the LDAP protocol to manage account groups, roles, ACLs/ACEs, etc...

🕵️ What is OAO?

🕵️ OAO is a Golang tool to interact with the LDAP protocol to manage account groups, roles, ACLs/ACEs, etc... This tool has been developed and maintened by oppsec and mezzanine

⚡ Installing / Getting started

A quick guide of how to install and use OAO.

1. go install github.com/oppsec/OAO@latest
2. OAO -u domain.local/username:password@IP -g 'Domain Admins' -m add/rem

You can use go install github.com/oppsec/OAO@latest to update the tool

⚙️ Pre-requisites

  • Golang installed on your machine
  • An valid user on domain with LDAP access

✨ Features

  • Interact direct with LDAP (not malicious)
  • Windows shell don't required
  • Extremely fast
  • Low RAM and CPU usage
  • Made in Golang

⚔️ Attack Scenario & Suggestions

First of all, we suggest you use this tool in combination with BloodHound to easily find exploitable paths. You can find a real attack scenario in our article we used another version to just add a specific user to a group with high privileges and use DSync attack to extract the Domain Admin NTLM hash.

🔨 Contributing

A quick guide of how to contribute with the project.

1. Create a fork from OAO repository
2. Download the project with git clone https://github.com/your/OAO.git
3. cd OAO/
4. Make your changes
5. Commit and make a git push
6. Open a pull request

⚠️ Warning

  • The developer is not responsible for any malicious use of this tool.