
Arief Novianto's resume

Primary LanguageCSS


This is Arief Novianto's resume. This template from Orbit repository. Adding Webpack.js, Sass, and Browsersync for fun development. For personal use, follow this step:

Clone project
git clone https://github.com/oppytut/mz-resume.git
Go in directory
cd mz-resume
Install all node modules
npm install
Run the project

For development mode:

npm run dev

For build only:

npm run build
Run the browser and access http://localhost:3000

Fun Coding

Editing src/sass/mz.scss file will be automatic compile to public/css/mz.css file. When all files in BrowserSyncPlugin files parameter changed, the http://localhost:3000 will be automatic reload.

Adding New Sass File

Add Sass file to src/sass/ directory and edit webpack.config.js file. Add file path to entry such as:

newSass: ['./src/sass/newSass.scss']

That file will be automatic compile to public/css/newSass.css file. Next, add newSass.css to html file.