
Discogs.com flac album tagger.

Primary LanguageGo


Tag flac albums using the discogs.com API. Its mainly intended to be used to tag vinyl rips in a interactive way.


  • It will query the api with the album's directory name, the recommended format is 'Artist - Album'.
  • If there is any result you will have to choose from a list and the album will be tagged in a new dir keeping the original.
  • It will also fetch the cover from the release.
  • If the album directory is named using a discogs release (2287669 for example) it will force tag the album.
  • If the discogs track number matches the directory files it will use the discogs track names, if not, the flac files track names will remain untouched.
  • A regexp can be used to get precise queries, 'Vinyl|LP|\d"' for example will only show vinyl releases. (-r)
  • A string can be use to add info like the ripper or source. (-e)



discgos <ARGS> <DIRS>

  -d    Debug.
  -e string
        Info to add to the directory name like the ripper or source for example.
  -id int
        Force a discogs release id.
  -r string
        Regexp to narrow our queries, 'Vinyl|LP|"' for example.
  -uid int
        Try to change the process UID to another.
  Directories with flac files in the format 'Artist - Album' if possible or named with a Discogs ID.


# go run discgos.go -e oprietop@2015 -r 'Vinyl|LP|\d"' Sleep\ -\ Dopesmoker

