
A place to implement state of the art deep learning methods for temporal modelling using python and MXNet.

Primary LanguagePython


  • This repo contains an MXNet implementation of this state of the art time series forecasting model.
  • You can find my blog post on the model here

Running the code

  1. Download & extract the training data:
    • $ mkdir data && cd data
    • $ wget https://github.com/laiguokun/multivariate-time-series-data/raw/master/electricity/electricity.txt.gz
    • $ gunzip electricity.txt.gz
  2. Train the model (~1.5 hours on Tesla K80 GPU with default hyperparams):
    • $ cd src && python lstnet.py --gpus=0

Results & Comparison

  • The model in the paper predicts with h = 3 on electricity dataset, achieving RSE = 0.0906, RAE = 0.0519 and CORR = 0.9195 on test dataset
  • This MXNet implementation achieves RSE = 0.0880, RAE = 0.0542 after 100 epochs on the validation dataset
  • Saved model checkpoint files can be found in models/


The default arguements in lstnet.py achieve equivolent performance to the published results. For other datasets, the following hyperparameters provide a good starting point:

  • q = {2^0, 2^1, ... , 2^9} (1 week is typical value)
  • Convolutional num filters = {50, 100, 200}
  • Convolutional kernel sizes = 6,12,18
  • Recurrent state size = {50, 100, 200}
  • Skip recurrent state size = {20, 50, 100}
  • Skip distance = 24 (tune this based on domain knowledge)
  • AR lambda = {0.1,1,10}
  • Adam optimizer LR = 0.001
  • Dropout after every layer = {0.1, 0.2}
  • Epochs = 100