
Fine tune large NLP models on GCP Ai Platform

Primary LanguagePython

Fine tune BERT on GCP

Leverage GCP as a training job management platform to speed up your ML workflow.


    pyenv virtualenv 3.6.9 nlp && pyenv local nlp
  • Install tensorflow and other required python packages
    pip install tensorflow==2.3.0 && pip install -r requirements.txt
  • Ensure you have the following GCP roles:
    • cloudbuild.builds.editor - build and push container images using Cloud Build
    • ml.developer - submit training/inference jobs to Ai Platform
  • Create a storage bucket for the training data and model artifacts, logs etc.
  gsutil mb gs://nlp-fine-tuner
  • Create a tpu service account
gcloud beta services identity create --service tpu.googleapis.com --project $PROJECT_ID

The command returns a Cloud TPU Service Account with following format:

  • Assign roles so the service account can read/write to GCS etc (editor is lazy way to do it)
  gcloud projects add-iam-policy-binding $PROJECT_ID --member serviceAccount:$TPU_SERVICE_ACCOUNT --role roles/editor

Fine-tune a language model

Test code locally on CPU

  bash scripts/train-local.sh


  • The training application uses a docker container to run on GCP. Test your application locally before submitting the job.
  docker build -t nlp .
  docker run nlp \
    --train-data-file data/df.pickle \
    --job-dir . \
    --epochs 1 \
    --batch-size 1
  • Upload your image to Google Container Registry (GCR), using Cloud Build to build and push the image faster.
  gcloud builds submit --config cloudbuild.yaml .
  • Train the model on a cloud GPU
  bash scripts/train-cloud-gpu.sh
  • Train the model on a cloud TPU
  bash scripts/train-cloud-tpu.sh

Why use TPUs?

Results training Roberta large (334M parameters)

batch size gpu number devices worker type CPU utilization Memory utilization GPU memory utizilization GPU utilization examples per second
1 NVIDIA_TESLA_K80 1 n1-standard-4 25% 36% 72% 100% 0.25
2 NVIDIA_TESLA_K80 2 n1-standard-4 25% 36% 72% 100% 0.44
8 NVIDIA_TESLA_V100 2 n1-standard-4 - - - - OOM
16 CLOUD_TPU_V2 8 n1-highcpu-16 2400
128 CLOUD_TPU_V3 8 n1-highcpu-16


  • It is possible to use pytorch with TPUs, however, it's a pain in the arse. You need to install the xla library and make significant modifications to the code. Using Keras and the strategy scope you can run in any configuration.
  • Tensorflow is slower than Pytorch by a factor of 4 on GPUs for some jobs!
  • Pytorch lightning allows you to minimize the reconfiguration work and still use pytorch :)


  • Single V2/3 TPU training on 8 cores

  • Support training on X% of the data

  • Preprocess AG News to GCS

  • Download data to docker image so it doesn't need to be downloaded

  • Pytorch lightning refactor

    • Upgrade to CUDA 11
    • Upgrade to latest pytorch
  • Add model parameters to docker image so they don't need to be downloaded

  • Package training application with local testing

  • Visualize training with tensorboard

  • Use half precision training (FP16) to increase throughput