
Starting with Android N, ImageView doesn't properly forward visibility events to its underlying drawable if activity transitions are used. This sample app showcases the issue.

Primary LanguageKotlin


Starting with Android N, ImageView doesn't properly forward visibility events to its underlying drawable if activity transitions are used. This sample app showcases the issue.

This sample app has 2 Activities. The main one holds an ImageView that displays a debug drawable and has a button to transition to Activity 2 and a toggle to enable / disable activity transitions. The debug drawable just prints whether it is visible and changes the background color accordingly (green = visible, red, invisible).

If your target SDK is >= 24 and activity transitions enabled, you'll notice that when you transition from A -> B and go back to A, the Drawable in A will have its visibility set to false instead of true. Everything works properly if transitions are disabled.

Drawable visible

Drawable not visible