
iss - info screen system

iss - info screen system

Create your own infoscreens and manage display devices and content with ease


Quick and easy setup, low maintenance

Device enrollment is easy. Scan the QR-code and follow the setup procedure.
Mock your infoscreen content in the controlling app, then deploy it to one or more screens.
There is no need to ever touch the physical device again once it is enrolled

Display management with ease

Control the content stream of your infoscreens anytime, from everywhere
The intuitive and simple user interface works on mobile and desktop and lets you setup new displays or screens with ease. Make up content on the fly, create schedules

Keep the overview

Auto-discovery and location awareness lets you keep the overview of your deployed infoscreens


The iss info screen system is actively developed and maintained
Need help planning a big installation?
Need a feature not yet implemented?
Talk to us

A variety of view sources for every use case

  • Images
  • Slides
  • News
  • Social Media
  • Weather
  • Calendar
  • Notifications
  • Sensor data
  • Custom Applications
  • Video streams
  • Web Pages
    all freely combinable

Energy Management

Save power.
Want your device to sleep at night or only wake up once in a while?
Create custom wake cycles



A display is the content or stream to be displayed on a screen
A display is composed of one or more views


Views make up a display.
Views can have different sources, like a web-page, a gallery or a video stream
Views can be composed in different ways. They can be chained or shown in parallel


The physical screen displaying the content of one or more displays


A device is a physical device. Often an embedded device, attached to a screen with e.g. HDMI or DisplayPort