
Generate human-readable ndiff output when comparing 2 Nmap XML scan files

Primary LanguagePythonApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

This project has been forked and will be maintained here:



pyndiff (pronounced pin-diff) easily generates human-readable ndiff output when comparing 2 Nmap XML scan files. It is great for determining what ports have open/closed or had their services change between Nmap scans and presenting it in a visually appealing and consumable way for humans. Unfortunately, both the diff and XML output from ndiff are unreadable and unusable for a large number of targets with many changes. pyndiff has been used to compare two different 40 MB Nmap XML files in 13 seconds!

This library is used in Scantron, the distributed nmap / masscan scanning framework complete with scan scheduling, engine pooling, subsequent scan port diff-ing, and an API client for automation workflows.

pyndiff is developed and maintained by @opsdisk as part of Rackspace's Threat and Vulnerability Analysis team.

What is ndiff?


Ndiff is a tool to aid in the comparison of Nmap scans. It takes two Nmap XML output files and prints the differences
between them. The differences observed are:

* Host states (e.g. up to down)
* Port states (e.g. open to closed)
* Service versions (from -sV)
* OS matches (from -O)
* Script output

Ndiff, like the standard diff utility, compares two scans at a time.


Using pip:

pip install pyndiff

From GitHub:

git clone https://github.com/rackerlabs/pyndiff.git
cd pyndiff
virtualenv -p python3.6 .venv  # If using a virtual environment.
source .venv/bin/activate  # If using a virtual environment.
python setup.py install


See Nmap's PR-1807 for a Python3 compatible ndiff. Until PR-1807 is merged into master, the individual ndiff.py found below is used:


with one slight modification. Line 1208 is commented out to ignore script output when comparing scans. See rackerlabs#3 for more information.

    "state": self._start_state,
    "service": self._start_service,
    # "script": self._start_script,
    "osmatch": self._start_osmatch,
    "finished": self._start_finished,

Helpful Options

--uof - Optionally ignore UDP "open|filtered" port state changes because they aren't definitive.

-d - Stop processing after every diff to validate results only when the -v switch is used.

-v - Print verbose data for troubleshooting. Helpful when used in with -d

Run as script

Human readable

Generate a human-readable overview of the changes.

pyndiff -f1 test-scans/random-1.xml -f2 test-scans/random-2.xml


Classic text output

Classic ndiff --text output, not human-readable for large scans.

pyndiff -f1 test-scans/random-1.xml -f2 test-scans/random-2.xml -t txt


pyndiff as a module

import pyndiff

diff = pyndiff.generate_diff("test-scans/random-1.xml", "test-scans/random-2.xml", ignore_udp_open_filtered=False)


diff = pyndiff.generate_diff(



test-scans directory

The test-scans directory contains the same test scans found in Nmap's repo found here:



This code is supplied as-is and you should not expect to receive support for it. Use it at your own risk.


License is Apache License Version 2.0.