
Pivoting with static binaries

Linux Arch Types

Updated versin of nmap is x86_64 from github

There are 2 different version of static nmap binaries, one is for x86 architectures and the other is for x64. Included in the repository are two .gz files that have already been compiled with version 7.93 of Nmap. If you don't need to modify the nmap version, you can just grab those two .gz files in the release area and unarchive them on your target.


Included in the repository is a docker file and build.sh for compiling the static binaries. The latest version of nmap (7.91) was used in the nmap.tar.gz archives for x86. The latest version from gitlab was used for the x86_64 version. All previous version are also available in the archives.

docker build . -t nmap-build
docker run --rm -v ${PWD}/:/output/ nmap-build

The executables will be in the output directory



The script scan.sh takes the ip address as an argument. The script will execute 3 different types of scans concurrently:

  1. quick TCP nmap scan
  2. Top 20 UDP scan
  3. Full TCP scan

When all the scans are complete, the shell script will archive the resulting scans in the output folder, with the name nmap-scan-.tar.gz

The shell script is executed as follows:

scan.sh <IP Address of Target>




This script does a detailed scan of the target by port number and script type. As with the scan.sh, the output is then archived in the output directory with the name nmap-scan-port-<IP>.tar.gz

The shell script is executed as follows:

scan-port.sh <IP Address of Target> <PORT Number> <NSE Script to execute>


scan-port.sh 80 "http*, banner, vuln"


This script will perform the same initial scans as the scan.sh script, but will also scan ports that are found by the quick scans. NOTE: Quick scanning will only pull the most popular ports, there for the full scan may miss some ports found by the full scan.

The shell scrip is executed as follows:

full-scan.sh <IP Address of Target>

As with the other scripts, the output is then archived in the output directory with the name nmap-scan-<IP>.tar.gz The individual port scans run the following NSE scripts: default, banner, vuln



Inside the Archive, naming convention

  • Quick Scans
    • <IP>_quick_tcp_nmap.txt
  • UDP Top 20
    • <IP>_top_20_udp_nmap.txt
  • Full TCP Scan
    • <IP>_full_tcp_nmap.txt
  • Individual Port Scans
    • <IP>_tcp_<port>_nmap.txt


The build scripts are taken from Andrew-d's github page at https://github.com/andrew-d/static-binaries

Build scripts modified by opinfosec on 28-Oct-22

  • Added removing of shared in libz
  • Modified nmap version to latest from github
  • Updated OpenSSL to 1.1.1q