A Test Kitchen Provisioner for Puppet
The providers supports both puppet apply and puppet agent clients
The PuppetApply provider works by passing the puppet repository based on attributes in .kitchen.yml & calling puppet apply.
The PuppetAgent provider works by passing the puppetmaster and other attributes in .kitchen.yml & calling puppet agent.
This provider has been tested against the Ubuntu 1204 and Centos 6.5 boxes running in vagrant/virtualbox.
You'll need a driver box without a chef installation so puppet can be installed. Puppet have one at http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/ubuntu-server-12042-x64-vbox4210-nocm.box or http://puppet-vagrant-boxes.puppetlabs.com/centos-65-x64-virtualbox-nocm.box.
For PuppetAgent a server with a puppet master is required that can resolve the hostname ip address of the server. The server must also be able to resolve the hostname ip address of the puppet master.
You'll need the test-kitchen & kitchen-puppet gem's installed in your system, along with kitchen-vagrant or some ther suitable driver for test-kitchen.
Please see the Provisioner Options (https://github.com/neillturner/kitchen-puppet/blob/master/provisioner_options.md).