
Useful Demonstration of ansible to run ad-hoc tasks server tasks

Primary LanguageShell

Vagrant Demo for Ansible (ad-hoc commands)

This demo setups up our vagrant environment so we can showcase the power of Ansible to run various ad-hoc commands and scripts.



  1. Install Vagrant and Github.
  2. Clone this repo: https://github.com/opsmotion/ansible_demo.git - This will create an ansible_demo directory full of the code required for this piece of work.
  3. Cd into the ansible_demo firectory and run "vagrant up".
  4. once the Vagrant machines have been created, use vagrant ssh to access them.
[ansible_demo]# vagrant ssh master.example.com
Welcome to Ubuntu 14.04.5 LTS (GNU/Linux 3.13.0-125-generic x86_64)

* Documentation:  https://help.ubuntu.com/

 System information as of Mon Mar 19 22:22:27 UTC 2018

 System load:  0.23              Processes:           92
 Usage of /:   3.6% of 39.34GB   Users logged in:     1
 Memory usage: 32%               IP address for eth0:
 Swap usage:   0%                IP address for eth1:

 => There is 1 zombie process.

 Graph this data and manage this system at:

 Get cloud support with Ubuntu Advantage Cloud Guest:

New release '16.04.4 LTS' available.
Run 'do-release-upgrade' to upgrade to it.

Last login: Mon Mar 19 22:22:28 2018 from ansible03.example.com

Command examples

  • To run ansible against just one host:
vagrant@master:~$ ansible -i ansible01, all -m shell -a 'uptime' -k
SSH password: 
ansible01 | success | rc=0 >>
22:39:47 up 21 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

  • To run ansible against a list of hosts, create a hosts file and call it like this:
vagrant@master:~$ ansible -i list.dm all -m shell -a 'uptime' -k
SSH password: 
ansible03 | success | rc=0 >>
22:39:14 up 18 min,  2 users,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

ansible02 | success | rc=0 >>
22:39:14 up 20 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05

ansible01 | success | rc=0 >>
22:39:14 up 20 min,  1 user,  load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.05
ansible -i ansible01, all -m shell -a 'uptime' -k

vagrant@master:~$ ansible -i list.dm all -m shell -a 'hostname > /tmp/name.dm; cat /tmp/name.dm' -k
SSH password: 
ansible03 | success | rc=0 >>

ansible01 | success | rc=0 >>

ansible02 | success | rc=0 >>

vagrant@master:~$ ansible -i list.dm all -m shell -a 'service ssh status' -k
SSH password: 
ansible03 | success | rc=0 >>
ssh start/running, process 1506

ansible01 | success | rc=0 >>
ssh start/running, process 1501

ansible02 | success | rc=0 >>
ssh start/running, process 1785