
Register and renew letsencrypt certificates using nomad, vault and rfc2136 dynamic dns updates

Primary LanguageShell


This repo contains a dockerfile for building a docker image, and an job spec to run it under nomad to create and renew letsencrypt certificates, using vault for backend storage


  • Nomad jobs can inject the certificates using the Nomad-Vault integration without the applications needing to be aware of letsencrypt
  • Use of DNS RFC2136 means the applications themselves don't have to be publicly accessible
  • Centralising the registration and renewal of certificates means dns keys for dynamic updates need only be configured in one place


This is cribbed heavily from [[https://developer.epages.com/blog/tech-stories/managing-lets-encrypt-certificates-in-vault/]] and tweaked to use rfc2136 instead of dnsimple and to run under nomad.


Start off by cloning this repository

CA Certificate

Add the CA certificate used by your vault server to the root of your git clone as ca.crt.



# certbot-nomad.policy
path "secret/metadata/lets-encrypt/*" {
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]

path "secret/data/lets-encrypt/*" {
  capabilities = ["create", "read", "update", "delete", "list"]

Configure the policy in vault with:

vault policy write certbot-nomad certbot-nomad.policy

Dynamic DNS Update key

Generate a tsig key to authenticate the dynamic update with

tsig-keygen -a hmac-sha512 certbot-nomad

This will print output like the following:

key "certbot-nomad" {
        algorithm hmac-sha512;
        secret "V54YyKknsuHiSDFiIC2E4uzWHjxxusN2jJRcbYF6MYVkjGpejW8D0ECP09VI7hiwYQbhwZ0aA9nmXlekzuKRLA==";

Keep a copy of this output which you'll need for configuring the nameserver. Also, take the secret and write to vault, along with the key name (certbot-nomad as used in the tsig-keygen command), and server name that dynamic updates should be sent to

vault kv put secret/lets-encrypt/tsig-key \
  name=certbot-nomad \
  key=V54YyKknsuHiSDFiIC2E4uzWHjxxusN2jJRcbYF6MYVkjGpejW8D0ECP09VI7hiwYQbhwZ0aA9nmXlekzuKRLA== \
  server nameserver.example.com

DNS Server

Allow updates using the tsig key you generated. For bind, this is done by adding the full output from tsig-keygen above into your config. Then allow dynamic updates on the specific zone with:

allow-update { key certbot; };

Docker Image

Build a docker image and push it your registry with:

docker build -t myregistry.example.com:5000/certbot-nomad:latest .
docker push myregistry.example.com:5000/certbot-nomad

This image is customised with your CA certificate. There's nothing in it that's sensitive, so this can be publihed publicly, but since it contains your CA cert it's only usable with your vault cluster.

A future improvement would be to pass in the CA certificate at runtime.

Initialise certbot

Run an instance of the container with

docker run --rm -it --name certbot-vault \
  -e "VAULT_ADDR=http://dev-vault:8200" \
  --network certbot-vault-net \
  certbot-vault sh

Create a Let's Encrypt account:

certbot register --non-interactive --agree-tos -m webmaster@example.com

Register the state in Vault:

export ACCOUNT_PARENT_PATH=/etc/letsencrypt/accounts/acme-v02.api.letsencrypt.org/directory
vault kv put secret/lets-encrypt/account/extra_details "account_id=$ACCOUNT_ID"
for i in meta private_key regr; do
  vault kv put "secret/lets-encrypt/account/$i" "@$ACCOUNT_PARENT_PATH/$ACCOUNT_ID/$i.json"

Nomad Job

Customise the nomad job with:

  • Your nomad datacenter name
  • Your registry URL for your docker image
  • Your Vault URL

Submit the job to nomad with:

nomad job run certbot-nomad.hcl

Requesting a certificate

Run a copy of the container with:

docker run --rm -it --name certbot-vault \
  -e "VAULT_ADDR=http://dev-vault:8200" \
  --network certbot-vault-net \
  certbot-vault sh

And request a certificate:

certbot certonly --dns-rfc2136 --dns-rfc2136-credentials /etc/letsencrypt/creds.ini \
  --deploy-hook /etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/00-update-vault.sh \
  -d host.example.com -d alias.example.com