This website provides a basic comparison between different countries and states(India) on various basis:
- Total Cases & Total Deaths (pie and bar chart)
- Total Recovered & Total Cases
- Test positive rate and Total tests
- Time Series of Cases Recovered and Deaths (India only)
Some Screenshots of my working deployment
May 16:
Note: Always add gunicorn
in the requirements.txt
May 17:
The app takes almost 23 seconds to execute, looking for alternate method to keep data ready
May 18:
from apscheduler.schedulers.background import BackgroundScheduler
The above has helped me achieve what I was looking for. Since update the retrieve time has drastically
come down to 1 second response from server
Note: render_template
has to be inside any app.route
Even though reponse time is lower, the app goes into idling until dyno is started. Looking for a way around that
May 19:
- Added color value on top of bars for better understanding of data
- Hits self to stay awake
- Added Logger
May 24:
- Added in 'other' category in piechart for world as it was pretty significant and I was unintentionally misleading viewers
June 16:
Added screenshots to readme
June 17:
Added daily deaths in india with moving average of 3