Squeeth is a new financial primitive in DeFi that gives traders exposure to ETH²
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Natspec/comments review + improvements
#474 opened by aleone - 0
Fix 1wei diff issue in test
#696 opened by haythemsellami - 0
Update crab accounting to burn a min amount of liquidity on initial deposit and have min amount of deposit
#670 opened by aleone - 0
Potential Minor Gas Savings
#561 opened by AlphaSerpentis - 0
Crab Position Value can be off by up to `2 * priceHedgeThreshold` (currently +-40%)
#519 opened by llllvvuu - 0
Allow users to go short even if they have some long position and vice versa by changing hard block into overrideable warning
#507 opened by alexisgauba - 0
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RebalanceVaultNft - DecreaseLpLiquidity along with DepositIntoVault will often fail
#491 opened by aleone - 0
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Hardcoded uniswap pool in a few places
#481 opened by aleone - 2
Naming improvements
#473 opened by aleone - 0
Update DataTypes for consistency
#475 opened by aleone - 0
Naming for ControllerHelperDataType
#443 opened by alpinechicken - 0
flashswapWBurnBuyLong() will fail if user set a poolFee different than the fee of the pool stored in the diamond storage
#441 opened by haythemsellami - 0
Remove diamond storage from ControllerHelper
#440 opened by haythemsellami - 0
FLASH_W_BURN returns oSQTH to user, but doesn't need to as it is done later in sendBack()
#471 opened by aleone - 1
Change sendBack() to send ETH as the last step
#468 opened by aleone - 1
Is declaring interfaces repeatedly in line cheaper vs declaring it in memory and using it repeatedly or having it in storage
#469 opened by aleone - 0
General swaps will often fail if trying to do exact oSQTH or ETH withdrawn swaps
#435 opened by aleone - 3
For an existing vault w flashloanWMintDepositNft, we withdraw collat at end so a user cant use vault collateral for LPing
#399 opened by aleone - 0
flashswapSellLongWMint() will fail if user set a poolFee different than the fee of the pool stored in the diamond storage
#442 opened by haythemsellami - 0
increaseLpLiquidity in ControllerHelperUtil using collateralToDeposit instead of wethAmountToLP
#446 opened by alpinechicken - 1
batchMintLp vs flashloanWMintDepositNft - flashloan case can withdraw collateral from the vault while batchMintLp can't
#398 opened by aleone - 0
CloseShortWithUserNft and FlashloanCloseVaultLpNftParam taking LP liquidity as param
#457 opened by alpinechicken - 0
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flashswapWBurnBuyLong() doesn't let a user without a vault (ie vault 0) buy oSQTH without burning
#472 opened by aleone - 0
Doesn't support trading in potential oSQTH/USD pools
#470 opened by aleone - 1
Short open liquidation price
#444 opened by deepthinker250 - 1
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GENERAL_SWAP case unreachable in _swapCallback
#451 opened by alpinechicken - 0
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Show PnL only for long users
#423 opened by KMKoushik - 0
Show tool tip near PnL with links explaining PnL
#424 opened by KMKoushik - 0
Collateral Ratio and action buttons are not hidden when selecting None for lp Token
#419 opened by block902 - 0
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RebalanceVaultNft actions don't share state and can lead to suboptimal user results
#411 opened by aleone - 0
Batch request historical ETH prices
#422 opened by KMKoushik - 0
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Users that want to burn the exact amount of oSQTH withdrawn from a vault may have transactions fail
#383 opened by aleone - 2
Access control not implemented for all functions
#387 opened by aleone - 1
mintAndLP returns vaultId=0
#414 opened by alpinechicken - 1
IncreaseLpLiquidity still relies on checkExcess, it should have the same logic as mint and LP functions
#402 opened by aleone - 0
FLASH_SELL_LONG_W_MINT for 0 mint amount tries to open a vault for a user, probably shouldnt
#403 opened by aleone - 0
Position card going blank and position page not updating on opening of both long and short positions
#409 opened by EstherSeyi - 1
Vault Information not loading on Positions after a successful shorting action performed on ROPSTEN
#392 opened by DemolaJames - 0
MintAndLp doesn't handle the case of withdrawing liquidity and then trying to LP correctly
#401 opened by aleone