
A Discord bot to bring you inner peace or your innards in pieces.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


A Discord bot to bring you inner peace or your innards in pieces.


git clone https://github.com/oqkr/mu
cd mu
yarn install          # or npm install
yarn run clean-start  # or npm run clean-start

You should create a config.toml file and/or set appropriate environment variables first, though.


You can configure mu with environment variables, a configuration file, or both. If a configuration item is set in both places, the environment variable wins.

The only required item is the Discord token.


To generate a default config file in $HOME/.config/mu/config.tml, run these commands:

mkdir -m 0700 ~/.config
mkdir -m 0700 ~/.config/mu
cd path_to_mu_root_directory
cp examples/config.example.toml ~/.config/mu/config.toml

Environment Variables

Every configuration item has a corresponding environment variable. Check out the example config file to see what they are.

Contributing to this project

Anyone and everyone is welcome to contribute. Please take a moment to review the guidelines for contributing.