
Toggle On/Off Server Banner with flags or vip list (...more)

Primary LanguageSourcePawn

[ANY] Server Overlay Banner (1.0.0)


Toggle On/Off Server Banner with flags or vip list (...more)


.:[ ConVars ]:.

// enable overlay plugin?
// 1= yes
// 0= no
ov_enable_plugin "1"

// Path to the start Overlay DONT TYPE .vmt or .vft
ov_overlay_path "overlay/goldkingzbanner"

// show overlay to?
// 2= alive players only and exclude died/spectators
// 1= died/spectators only
// 0= all alive + dead/spectators
ov_show_overlay "0"


// make banner togglable?
// 3= yes ( specific steamids ov_steamid_list_path ) need restart server
// 2= yes ( specific flags ov_flags )
// 1= yes ( everyone can toggle on/off )
// 0= no (disable toggle on/off )
ov_enable_toggle "0"

// [if ov_enable_toggle 2] which flags is it
ov_flags "abcdefghijklmnoz"

// [if ov_enable_toggle 3] where is list steamid located in addons/sourcemod/
ov_steamid_list_path "configs/viplist.txt"


// [if ov_enable_toggle 0 or 1 or 2] which commands would you like to make it  toggle on/off hide banner (need restart server)
ov_cmd "sm_hidebanner;sm_bannerhide;sm_banner"

.:[ Tutorial ]:.


1- Make sure you have template or just go to any game and screen shot 3840x2160 resolution.

2- Open photoshop/any edit program with transparent background 3840x2160.

alt text

3- Now import template and let it guide you where to locate banner at screen. alt text

4- After you done make sure you delete/hide template and save files as PNG.

alt text

alt text

5- Download VTFEdit and use x86 or x64 depend on your pc.

6- Before you do anything you must enable "View"->"Mask" To see the result of transparency in real time after importing PNG (green or black or white) transparency means not good image transparent.
7- Also Disable "Options"->"Auto Create VMT File" To disable auto create VMT will will do it manually.

8- After That "File"->""Import" with following settings

alt text

alt text

9- Play with PNGs and see which number is ended/layers do you like to add if you want animated later in .VMT file at "animatedTextureFrameRate".
10- Then "File"->"Save As..." and name the file + locate where you want to put VTF path then save it and remember the path + file name.
11- After that "Tools"->"Create VMT File"->"Textures" press on browser of "Base Texture 1" and locate VTF + we make sure path not included csgo/materials.
12- Then "Tools"->"Create VMT File"->"Options" make sure "Shader > UnlitGeneric" + Tick/Enable on Translucent then press on "Create".
13- You will have now 2 files .VTF and .VMT at same path.

14- Now if you want animated open .VMT and add These Lines under "$translucent" 1 and edit "animatedTextureFrameRate" "X" For how many frames.

15- Uploaded it both server and FASTDL and make sure edit "Server-Overlay-Banner.cfg > ov_overlay_path" add path and file name without .VTF or .VMT at end.

.:[ Change Log ]:.

- Initial Release

.:[ Donation ]:.

If this project help you reduce time to develop, you can give me a cup of coffee :)
