
Visualizing ASTER and LANDSAT satellite data using THREE.js

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


A GIF file showing a preview of the starter project

Detailed explanation on Medium:


Features :

  • DEM(Digital Elevation Model) and satellite image data is downloaded from USGS
  • ASTER and LANDSAT satellite's data is used.
  • Geotiff files generated using QGIS QGIS


git clone git@github.com:orabazu/threejs-dem-visualizer.git
cd threejs-dem-visualizer

yarn install


Generate all js/css bundles

yarn build


yarn start

Go to localhost:8080 to see your project live!


Skeleton of the code is built on https://github.com/jackdbd/threejs-es6-webpack-starter project. I added some css for loading since reading geotiff files take time. If you have problems on build better to follow original instructions.

Demo of jonathanlurie and [mapmasters] (http://blog.mastermaps.com/2013/10/terrain-building-with-threejs.html) were realy helpfull to understand the logic of DEM to three.js convertion