
nb-javac is the Java compiler plugin used by the Apache NetBeans Java Editor

Primary LanguageJavaGNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0

About nb-javac!

"nb-javac" is a patched version of OpenJDK "javac", i.e., the Java compiler. This has long been part of NetBeans, providing a highly tuned Java compiler specifically for the Java editor i.e., parsing and lexing for features such as syntax coloring, code completion.


  • Git
  • Ant 1.9.9 or above
  • JDK 8 or above (to build nb-javac)
  • Apache Maven

Building nb-javac jar files

  1. Obtain the code with the following command
$ git clone https://github.com/oracle/nb-javac.git
  1. To get a specific version use the following command
$ git checkout <release_tag_name> 
  1. Run the below command to build nb-javac.
$ ant -f ./make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac clean jar

Two jars namely javac-api*.jar and javac-impl*.jar are going to appear at location ./make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac/dist/

  1. Run below command to zip the source code of nb-javac
$ ant -f ./make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac zip-nb-javac-sources

Publishing to maven central / OSSRH

  1. Aquire an account for OSSRH from sonatype and get access to the target groupId See here: https://central.sonatype.org/pages/ossrh-guide.html

  2. Configure the maven installation so that the credentials are made available for the server with the id oss.sonatype.org

  3. Run

    ant -f ./make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac publish-to-ossrh-snapshots -Dmaven.groupId=your.grp.id

    to publish snapshot artifacts (https://oss.sonatype.org/content/repositories/snapshots/)

  4. Run

    ant -f ./make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac publish-to-maven-central -Dmaven.groupId=your.grp.id

    to stage the release, which will get promoted to maven central, after it has been manually released.


1. Copy jars by following commands

cp nb-javac/make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac/dist/nb-javac-$ver-api.jar netbeans/java/libs.javacapi/external/nb-javac-$ver-api.jar
cp nb-javac/make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac/dist/nb-javac-$ver-impl.jar netbeans/java/libs.javacimpl/external/nb-javac-$ver-impl.jar

2. Open Netbeans and activate Java SE by creating or opening a ant, maven or gradle then copy jars by these commands

cp nb-javac/make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac/dist/nb-javac-$ver-impl.jar netbeans/nbbuild/testuserdir/modules/ext/nb-javac-$ver-impl.jar
cp nb-javac/make/langtools/netbeans/nb-javac/dist/nb-javac-$ver-api.jar netbeans/nbbuild/testuserdir/modules/ext/nb-javac-$ver-api.jar
touch netbeans/nbbuild/testuserdir/.lastmodified



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Copyright (c) 2022, 2023 Oracle and/or its affiliates.

Released under the GNU General Public License (GPL)