
NullPointer when using R2DBC Pool 0.9.0.RELEASE with version 0.4.0

sgtcortez opened this issue · 9 comments

Hi, I am facing a weird problem using:

Java Version: Oracle JDK 17

implementation 'io.r2dbc:r2dbc-pool:0.9.0.RELEASE'
implementation 'io.r2dbc:r2dbc-spi:0.9.0.RELEASE'
runtimeOnly ''

First of all, I was using the version 0.1.0 with R2DBC POOL, and, it works when executing a single statement, but, with paralell calls, I face the problem with: Multiple subscribers ...

So, I came here, and, read that thats a know problem with version 0.1.0. Then, I upgrade to the version 0.4.0 which, is the latest.
But, trying to execute the same query(which works with version 0.1.0) , but, I am receiving a NullPointer inside oracle r2dbc classes.


java.lang.NullPointerException: Cannot invoke "java.util.ArrayDeque.size()" because "this.implicitResultSetStatements" is null
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatement.getMoreResults(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleStatementWrapper.getMoreResults(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleStatementImpl$JdbcStatement.lambda$getResults$4(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.AsyncLock.lambda$get$2(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.AsyncLock.unlock(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.AsyncLock$UsingConnectionSubscriber.terminate(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.AsyncLock$UsingConnectionSubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.StrictSubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.Operators$MultiSubscriptionSubscriber.onComplete(
	at org.reactivestreams.FlowAdapters$FlowToReactiveSubscriber.onComplete(
	at oracle.jdbc.internal.CompletionStageUtil$IteratorSubscription.emitComplete(
	at oracle.jdbc.internal.CompletionStageUtil$IteratorSubscription.emitItems(
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.lambda$createUserCodeExecutor$10(
	at java.base/
	at oracle.jdbc.driver.PhysicalConnection.lambda$createUserCodeExecutor$11(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask$RunnableExecuteAction.exec(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinTask.doExec(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool$WorkQueue.topLevelExec(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.scan(
	at java.base/java.util.concurrent.ForkJoinPool.runWorker(
	at java.base/

How I execute the query:

return Mono.usingWhen(
        connection -> Mono.from(connection.createStatement(QUERY)
                .bind(0, destinationState)
                .bind(1, subsidiaryId)
                .bind(2, itemId)
        ((connection, throwable) -> connection.close()),
        .flatMapMany(it ->

How I create the connection pool:

public ConnectionPool connectionFactory() {
    return new ConnectionPool(ConnectionPoolConfiguration
                            .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.USER, user)
                            .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.PASSWORD, password)
                            .option(ConnectionFactoryOptions.DRIVER, DRIVER)
                            .option(Option.valueOf("applicationName"), "catalog-service-app")

I thought that I would be a problem with dependency versions, but, I checked the dependencies and, I am using the correct ones.
Please, tell me where I am making a mistake


By the way, even this simple statement throws the same null pointer

            .flatMapMany(connection ->
                    Flux.from(connection.createStatement("SELECT 1 FROM dual").execute())
                            .flatMap(result ->
                          , metadata) -> row.get(0, Integer.class)))
            ).subscribe(s -> System.out.println("Value: " + s ));
    return Mono.empty();

I will make a test with java 11. I am not sure if oracle jdbc already supports java 17

Thanks for all these details, @sgtcortez. This NPE looks like the same issue we saw here: #63
Make sure you have the version of Oracle JDBC on the classpath. The 21.1 version has a bug in Statement.getMoreResults() that will trigger an NPE.

Thank you @Michael-A-McMahon. I will make this test, and, I will come back here with the result.

Hi, @Michael-A-McMahon I tested, and, now I am facing another problem ...

oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleR2dbcExceptions$OracleR2dbcException: Closed Statement: getStatement
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleR2dbcExceptions.toR2dbcException(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleR2dbcExceptions.fromJdbc(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleReactiveJdbcAdapter.publishRows(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleResultImpl$ResultSetResult.publishSegments(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleResultImpl.publishSegments(
	at reactor.core.publisher.MonoFlatMapMany$FlatMapManyMain.onNext(
	at reactor.core.publisher.MonoUsingWhen$MonoUsingWhenSubscriber.deferredComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxUsingWhen$CommitInner.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxPeek$PeekSubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.Operators$MultiSubscriptionSubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen$ThenIgnoreMain.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.MonoIgnoreThen$ThenIgnoreMain.onComplete(
	at reactor.pool.SimpleDequePool.lambda$maybeRecycleAndDrain$19(
	at reactor.core.publisher.LambdaMonoSubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.FluxDoFinally$DoFinallySubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.MonoNext$NextSubscriber.onComplete(
	at reactor.core.publisher.MonoNext$NextSubscriber.onComplete(
	at oracle.r2dbc.impl.AsyncLock$UsingConnectionSubscriber.onComplete(
  // This one works
            .flatMapMany(connection ->
                    Flux.from(connection.createStatement("SELECT 1 FROM dual").execute())
                            .flatMap(result ->
                          , metadata) -> row.get(0, Integer.class)))
            ).subscribe(s -> System.out.println("Value: " + s ));

   // This one does not work
    return Mono.usingWhen(
            connection -> Mono.from(connection.createStatement(QUERY)
                    .bind(0, destinationState)
                    .bind(1, subsidiaryId)
                    .bind(2, itemId)
                    .bind(3, destinationState)
                    .bind(4, itemId)
                    .bind(5, destinationState)
                    .bind(6, itemId)
            ((connection, throwable) -> connection.close()),
            .flatMapMany(it ->

I am not sure, but, might call close before create.


implementation 'io.r2dbc:r2dbc-pool:0.9.0.RELEASE'
implementation 'io.r2dbc:r2dbc-spi:0.9.0.RELEASE'
implementation ''
runtimeOnly ''

We have:

            .flatMapMany(it ->

And it is downstream of the usingWhen publisher, so the Connection::close happens before the invocation of map on the Result.
For Oracle R2DBC, a Result is not longer valid after the connection is closed.

You could try moving the flatMapMany operator into the connection using function, like this:

.flatMapMany(it ->

The main thing to understand is that anything inside of the connection -> using lambda will happen before the Connection::close. It is within this scope that you want to get all your database calls done. If you know JDBC, then you can think of this scope to be the equivalent of:

try (Connection connection = dataSource.getConnection()) {
... Connection, and any Statements or ResultSets it creates are only valid inside of this try block

@Michael-A-McMahon thank you for your help.
This was the first time using r2dbc with oracle, I had used only postgres, and the block of code above always worked for me ...

With your help, I changed the code, and now, It works !
My new code:

public Mono<TaxRuleDto> fetchTaxRule(
        final long itemId,
        final long subsidiaryId,
        final String destinationState) {

    return Flux.usingWhen(
            connection -> Mono.from(connection.createStatement(QUERY)
                    .bind(0, destinationState)
                    .bind(1, subsidiaryId)
                    .bind(2, itemId)
                    .bind(3, destinationState)
                    .bind(4, itemId)
                    .bind(5, destinationState)
                    .bind(6, itemId)
            ).flatMapMany(it ->,
            ((connection, throwable) -> connection.close()),

This query can return only one row, but, I could make it work with Mono, so, for now, It is fine!

Again, thanks for your time & help.

Hi All,
The solution doesnt seem to be working when using Spring Data r2DBC. Using the driver, the connection doesnt close. Please do not say that its an issue from Spring Data. I started this issue where connection pool doesnt work for Oracle R2DBC and ended up here. Could someone tell whats the solution if we use Spring reactive repositories + Transaction + Pooling + Oracle. I have gone through all the solution and finally stumbled upon this page. It would be highly appreciated if I could get some help.

Hi @vedhavi. Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Can you give me a bit more details about this? In which case do you see a connection not being closed? If you can share a bit a code that reproduces the issue, that would be excellent.