- 0
Default LOB Prefetch is Not Correct
#160 opened by Michael-A-McMahon - 0
IllegalStateException: A thread that is executing an IO task has attempted to await the completion of itself. This is a deadlock.
#161 opened by Michael-A-McMahon - 3
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Oracle doesn't throw error when there is missing permission for the sequence while insertion
#149 opened by rathoreamrsingh - 2
"ORA-01002: fetch out of sequence" error
#150 opened by akaretnikov90 - 3
feature: add initSql support
#153 opened by kano5252 - 2
OracleReactiveJdbcAdaptor.publishConnection should timeout if Oracle JDBC connection publisher does not resolve
#136 opened by volcanic-tephra - 0
Support DML Returning for JSON Views
#121 opened by Michael-A-McMahon - 0
Sample Bug: r2dbc version
#100 opened by naberin - 5
Upgrade from oracle-r2dbc version 0.4.0 to 1.0.0 is resulting in class cast exception while update.
#97 opened by rathoreamrsingh - 0
Support VECTOR
#144 opened by Michael-A-McMahon - 0
Support Pipelining
#143 opened by Michael-A-McMahon - 7
- 4
R2DBC integration with Mutiny example
#65 opened by LazaroR94 - 0
Add JavaDoc to CI Runs
#140 opened by Michael-A-McMahon - 10
- 13
Issue with microservice using r2dbc oracle inside kubernetes cluster. (Request timeouts)
#129 opened by manuelgdlvh - 1
Add support to set "" programmatically (for multi datasource scenarios)
#123 opened by tiyadiashok - 6
Operator has been terminated issue with RowsFetchSpec and Spring DatabaseClient
#133 opened by sephiroth-j - 2
How to configure SECURITY=(SSL_SERVER_CERT_DN) Option in R2dbc connection String with Descriptor
#135 opened by Krithika-Madhavan - 14
Does r2dbc connection string support oracle failover ?
#122 opened by antoba - 2
#115 opened by pull-vert - 2
Can not find oracle-r2dbc-1.1.1.pom
#120 opened by nakamura-to - 2
Issue with the OracleR2dbcOptions.Executor option
#108 opened by htejwani - 2
Oracle Descriptor Option
#114 opened by Krithika-Madhavan - 1
Unsupported Java type:class java.util.ArrayList exception when using IN clause in sql
#116 opened by lhmlyz - 1
Error occurs if ConnectionFactoryOptions.PROTOCOL option is an empty string
#111 opened by nakamura-to - 4
Maven Repository v1.1.0
#109 opened by vladimirfx - 15
Memory Leak Suspect in ForwardOnlyResultSet
#85 opened by sgtcortez - 5
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R2DBC treating warning as exception
#93 opened by rathoreamrsingh - 4
Question: DELETE command with RETURNING INTO
#69 opened by jenoforizs - 5
java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException: This method is deprecated for removal
#71 opened by mofeed-hassan - 9
- 2
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IN with more than 9 element raise oracle.r2dbc.impl.OracleR2dbcExceptions$OracleR2dbcException: [17110] [99999] Warning:
#82 opened by larousso - 5
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Support oracle.jdbc.timezoneAsRegion driver parameter
#79 opened by osi - 4
Question. Could someone tell me where can I find the project ?
#87 opened by cvgaviao - 3
Timeline: Maven Repository v1.0.0 jar
#78 opened by rmalired - 2
R2DBC 0.1.0 : NoSuchMethodError: Flow$Publisher OracleConnectionBuilder.buildConnectionPublisherOracle()
#72 opened by krisparis - 7
Spring + Oracle r2dbc and r2dbc pool
#70 opened by 7Mircea - 5
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