- 2
Support multi-platform builds
#478 opened by edburns - 2
Error when downloading updates from Oracle
#474 opened by Tobias-DB - 3
Invalid Oracle support credentials
#473 opened by Nico-DB - 3
inspect returns no information
#465 opened by arnabold - 1
- 1
[SEVERE ] For input string: "220419ProactiveBP"
#459 opened by EParisot - 1
- 2
Azure ACR build support
#453 opened by jkramplify - 6
User wants to copy symlinks alongwith their targets using --additionalBuildFiles
#389 opened by lake-of-dreams - 1
Allow alphanumeric release version in the patch filename such as
#428 opened by srrchalla - 4
- 2
Image creation with --latestPSU and --recommendedPatches fails due to patch conflict
#394 opened by Nico-DB - 0
- 2
While creating Image using WDT discover yaml file, getting createDomain failed to set Password: invalid password.
#365 opened by manoj4527 - 15
Image tool fails to build the image due to the error "Unable to locate the startup/shiphome directory" running the WLS installer
#356 opened by denismaggior8 - 5
- 0
- 0
doc update: --skipCleanup
#327 opened by dimovelev - 3
Weblogic 14c SPB 33452377 cannot be applied
#328 opened by dimovelev - 1
- 0
INSPECT fails with ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException
#307 opened by ddsharpe - 1
Inspect image shows java version from Open JDK version instead of java from JAVA_HOME
#303 opened by brahankv - 0
Update using 1.9.14 and 1.9.15 fails on unknown AruProduct values (even when not patching in said update)
#297 opened by Omar007 - 5
Running update with WDT fails using the zip installer
#295 opened by Omar007 - 2
- 2 Build command failed with error: Error: unknown shorthand flag: 'f' in -f
#267 opened by avianabr - 1
Building Image (docker build) Error :: <WLSDPLY-20008> <createDomain argument processing failed: Supplied Domain Home directory /u01/oracle/user_projects/domains/base_domain was not valid
#275 opened by danielrpgj31 - 0
image can't be pulled.
#271 opened by baotrung1309 - 1
- 3
- 7 can't apply patches to "official images" from
#248 opened by m0un10 - 2
- 1
WIT 'WDT mode' doesn't set executable permissions on WDT scripts unless a model file is also specified
#250 opened by tbarnes-us - 3
Support for runnign imagetool update command without having to specify the model yaml file
#245 opened by preethignanesh - 5
chown oracle:root not permitted if SELinux is active
#236 opened by ashaver - 2
- 2
--recommendedPatches includes Bugfix patches
#239 opened by Nico-DB - 2
imagetool create fails when adding wdt 1.9.9 when Oracle Home already exists
#243 opened by xxhoffmann - 1
Support patch installation order
#201 opened by brahankv - 5
Unable to build image with wls12214
#224 opened by senthil13 - 7
Error: invalid in patch location
#219 opened by senthil13 - 8
- 2
- 2
dryrun flag creates Dockerfile but wls.rsp is missing
#213 opened by eugsim1 - 2
update fails as user shoud be oracle
#215 opened by eugsim1 - 2
image tool is looking for wrong jdk setp
#211 opened by eugsim1 - 1
- 14
using 1.92, rebase doesn't set DOMAIN_HOME
#197 opened by wangfeng791012 - 2
- 1
Rebase resulting image can not be used for Update (rebase doesn't set DOMAIN_HOME)
#193 opened by Omar007