
An Ember addon for creating dynamic forms

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


npm version Build Status Ember Observer Score

An Ember addon for creating dynamic forms, powered by alpacajs.


ember install ember-cli-dynamic-forms

For now, you'll get a jquery resolution prompt when running install. You'll want to pick the 1.11.3 option.


It's advisable to run ember g ember-cli-dynamic-forms between upgrades as dependencies may have been added, removed, or upgraded between releases. Please try this, along with clearing node_modules and bower_components before reporting issues after upgrading.


Using ember-cli-dynamic-forms can be as simple as passing a json-schema compliant object into a component. You can also provide the form with data and actions, either in the schema or with separate objects:

{{dynamic-form schema=model.schemaObj data=model.dataObj formActions=formActionsObj}}

You can also create reusable form assets using ember-cli, such as validations and formatting rules: ember generate dynamic-form-validator drinking-age

And you can reference them in your schema:

     "beverage": {
        "label": "Choice of Beverage",
        "slider": true,
        "validator": "drinking-age"

For more details component usage and asset generation, see the ember-cli-dynamic-forms documentation site.

The schema variable can be in string or object form, but needs to be a valid json-schema alpaca form definition. See the alpacajs website for more information about building valid schemas.

Excluding Assets

By default ember-cli-dynamic-forms imports bootstrap and alpaca assets to the broccoli tree. If you wish to disable this behaviour and use your own assets, simply specify it in your ember-cli-build.js.

var app = new EmberApp({
  'ember-cli-dynamic-forms': {
    includeAssets: false, // disables the includion of all assets
    includeAlpacaStyles: false,  // disables just the inclusion of alpaca styles
    includeBootstrapAssets: false // disables just the inclusion of bootstrap assets whilst leaving the rest inplace



  • git clone this repository
  • npm install
  • bower install

Running Locally

Running Tests

  • ember test
  • ember test --server


  • ember build

For more information on using ember-cli, visit http://www.ember-cli.com/.