This project implements a simple BLOG app that allows user to write new articles. User can create, delete, edit and store any written text with title.


  • New article creation
  • List of all the articles
  • Delete and Edit option

Built With

  • Ruby on Rails

Live Demo

myblog - myblog

How to Install

  • Install Ruby in your system. To install Ruby, you can read the Documentation.
  • Install Rails. You can read this page.
  • Clone it using git clone command.
  • Run in your terminal bundle install.
  • Run in your terminal rails db:migrate.
  • Run in your terminal rails server.


👤 Avijit Karmaker

👤 Damilola Oduronbi

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!.

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📝 License

This project is Microverse student project